Hi all, I'm in a quandry. My antenna swr has changed. The swr has increased on the whole of 20m. On 20, it is like the sweet spot is now above the band rather than where it should be. The other bands
Try Fastenal or McMaster-Carr. tnx de n3ykf _______________________________________________ See: http://www.mscomputer.com for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless Weather Stations", and lot's more. C
Hi all! I am finished cleaning up the klm kt34a aluminum tubing. The upgrade kit (m2) arrives friday. What should I expect in the way of headaches/curves vis-a-vis rebuilding the antenna? Weird exper
Hi all! I'm working on an antenna for our club shack. It appears to be a Cushcraft a4s (four elements). The traps look different and the dimensions are slightly different. I do have a pic of the elem
Got the goods, tnx de n3ykf _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list TowerTalk@contesting.com http://lists.contesting.com
Thanks to all that helped me identify the mystery beam. Now to the thorny question: Can the traps be saved? If not, has anyone fabricated new ones? How about new trap covers? Taking a look at the tra
Copper cladding gud here for 10 years. Looks to be good fer another ten. Takes two men to work with, though. _______________________________________________ __________________________________________
Hi, I'm in Binghamton, NY. My name is Norm and my ham call is n3ykf. Unfortunately, I've got to move and won't be using this stuff any time soon. Life goes on. I did smoke for a couple of years while
There is a type called "Gibbs" ascenders. IIRC you can order the device for the type of rope (wire, laid, kernmantle) that you're going to use. Norm n3ykf Who hasn't been on belay in years. _________
Hi, Wanted to use with a tripod. Let me know price and condx. No junk, please. Thanks, Norm n3ykf _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Tower
Hi all! Had a nice conversation with a roofing contractor today. He was quite down on the idea of poking any holes through the roofing material due to the amount of rain at the property (in central f
Jim KI7Y Thanks all for the contributions. The saddle sled is the type I'd need. My problem is getting it by code. I would have to have the windload and structural calcs done by an engineer to ensure
Jim KI7Y Thanks all for the contributions. The saddle sled is the type I'd need. My problem is getting it by code. I would have to have the windload and structural calcs done by an engineer to ensure