I don't know the diameter of the base section of that tower, but I would suggest that you separate the copper ground wire from the galvanized mast by a stainless-steel shim cut from a hose clamp. the
But magnetic north is not what we want. We want an indication of *true* north. Alan NV8A _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mail
Doesn't yours have a bolt protruding from one side? I made a bracket out of aluminum angle and bolted it to the box. 73 Alan NV8A _______________________________________________ _____________________
<snip> I think it was the Heights towers whose standard grounding kit used 3/0 wire. I settled for #4 stranded from each tower leg to an 8' ground rod about 8' away. The ground rods are all connected
I normally leave mine up, but I crank it down when I'm going to be away for more than a day or when high winds are forecast. I disconnect the radios from the antennas and ground the coax cables -- bo
I have #8 insulated stranded Cu connected to the top of the tower and grounded at the base. The coax and the rotator and SteppIR control cables are taped to this every few feet for support, so it doe
Back around March the company was being offered for sale -- on eBay, of all places. 73 Alan NV8A _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerT
Within a few days of placing my order with HRO for a US Tower HDX-555 I received direct from US Tower a packet containing specs. (calcs.), foundation drawings, a schematic for the control system for
I've never used or even set eyes on an actual MRF, but I just looked at the picture in the catalog (p. 7 of mine). This seems to show the cable passing through a hole located between the winch assemb
I do something similar, except that my cables (coax, rotator, and SteppIR control, all taped together every few feet) coil (with user assistance) into a large garbage bin. 73 Alan NV8A ______________
I may have gone overboard, but I have the appropriate Polyphasers on all feed and control lines at the top of the tower and at the base of the tower, and on the SPG panel in the shack; AND I disconne
For that antenna I used a pair of something more like the T&B wall mounts: http://www.tvantenna.com/products/tvreception/mounting/wallbrackets.html 73 Alan NV8A ______________________________________
I've had this arrangement on two houses and have never seen that problem. I assume that this kind of bracket comes with various thicknesses of metal. Mine came from Lentini in CT -- just down the str
The instructions for the gearbox on my US Tower HDX-555 say 90wt gear oil -- but UST had filled it with oil before shipping. 73 Alan NV8A _______________________________________________ _____________
We need *someone* to enable us to put up decent antenna systems that would be valuable in emergencies when so many municipalities and homeowners' associations are trying to make it impossible for us
People have reported previously that US Tower *will* sell the appropriate cable but won't supply any instructions for its installation. 73 Alan NV8A _______________________________________________ __
How many friends do you have? Eighteen of us carried my motorized HDX-555 from the front yard (which was as far as the tow truck I hired to take it off the flat-bed could get it before it sank into t
I just sent a test message to Ham-Law, and this is what I received: " Somebody said that this list is no more. Testing the accuracy of that report. Alan NV8A _________________________________________
According to the US Tower brochure I have, the HDX572 uses the MDPL1000. The MDP750 (note: 750, not 75) is used only on the HDX555 (which I have) and on some of the TX series. 73 Alan NV8A __________
I have read that US Tower will sell you the cable but won't supply any installation instructions. I would take plenty of pictures of the way the present cable is routed before you remove it. I've rea