The "pros" don't use anything because they don't use UHF connectors. They are working with Heliax, waveguide, or ridgid line and the lines are often pressurized. Connectors made for those kinds of l
VE1ZZ had the right idea. I've done the same thing here. Yes when it comes to professionals I was thinking of the broadcast industry. Sorry if that offended all the cellular phone folks and made you
You can search the tower talk archives using Google; here's an example search argument: [TowerTalk] HDBX Version but the problem is that the Google crawler doesn't traverse
I think this topic is more appropriate for the 160 m. Topband email list. I've been following the discussion about this antenna on FB and it's similar in that some folks think it's BS and others have
Andrew used to make them for us ("us" meaning US Army Communications Command) but they were 2 to 30 MHz. Back in the mid to late 1970s I was assigned to a tactical outfit in AZ and we had two telesc
For some reason ARRL hired J school grads to work on QST. Non-technical people. I guess they viewed QST as no longer a tech. journal and wanted to steer everyone to QEX. On average, there's maybe one
I'd say when it comes to loss with UHF connectors the most critical thing is the machining of the male pin and the female cup fingers. Amphenol females are made so that you feel some resistance when
I disagree because those female jacks will pass the test. But, in some cases one of those premium brand jacks will have been damaged by banana plugs or some other insertion not intended for the jack
Same here. All my money for ham radio came from a paper route and doing things like returning bottles. Parents gave no money for radio, but they did take me to hamfests if I couldn't get to them on
I think W9AC is on to somethng WRT the Z of the line. 75 ohm, like LDF4-75. BTW Andrew AFAIK made LDF4-50 and LDF5-50 but I never heard of this LDF4.5 stuff. Is that just some ham's invention? Connec
Interesting. Looks like something Comscope invented after Andrew was bought. Thanks Rob K5UJ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk
No one is "trying" anything. It was a legitimate question. Thanks for all the answers and interesting comments. I have a coil of LDF4-75. No one ever said it wasn't "real" either. 73 Rob K5UJ _______
The proper way to insulate a guyed tower is to get a tapered bottom section and use a single point porcelain insulator from Austin. You have to construct a concrete pier with copper strap around it f
My experience with off brand UHF connectors has not been all that great. The problem I have run into has to do with machining the threads. Off brand males don't thread onto real Amphenol females corr
If I were looking to buy a large number of UHF connectors, I'd buy a single one to check it out first before buying a large number. I'd buy two or three and try soldering them if solder is going to b
I always thought Bob's mics were made in Mexico but I certainly may be mistaken. I'm guessing Shure, Electrovoice....? Care to name names? 73 Rob K5UJ _______________________________________________