- 1. Re: [TowerTalk] Irrigation pipe vertical (score: 1)
- Author: Red Haines <redhaines@acegroup.cc>
- Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2007 12:01:13 -0600
- I've also used 3" irrigation pipe supported in the 3" PVC. I've telescoped 2" pipe inside the 3" pipe with aluminum bushings that I turned, to make a number of adjustable and portable vertical elemen
- /archives//html/Towertalk/2007-12/msg00011.html (8,312 bytes)
- 2. Re: [TowerTalk] Irrigation pipe vertical (score: 1)
- Author: Red Haines <redhaines@acegroup.cc>
- Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2007 12:51:35 -0600
- Hi, Dick; You ask a very pertinent question, especially for those who might use irrigation pipe for portable antennas. The answer is no, aluminum irrigation pipe is lightweight. I estimate that the 3
- /archives//html/Towertalk/2007-12/msg00013.html (7,443 bytes)
- 3. Re: [TowerTalk] Irrigation pipe vertical (score: 1)
- Author: Red Haines <redhaines@acegroup.cc>
- Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2007 13:10:01 -0600
- Hi, Dave; I make the bushings from a piece of 3" aluminum tubing with 1/2" wall thickness. I cut off about a 1" length for each bushing. I turn one bushing for a sliding fit outside the 2" pipe. That
- /archives//html/Towertalk/2007-12/msg00016.html (9,564 bytes)
- 4. Re: [TowerTalk] Irrigation pipe vertical (score: 1)
- Author: Red Haines <redhaines@acegroup.cc>
- Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2007 09:50:25 -0600
- EZNEC predicts the resonant frequency is near 7.9 MHz. Adding a top hat of 4 spokes 2.5 feet long lowers it to near 7.1 MHz. Adding 2 spokes 2.5 feet long brings it near 7.4 MHz 73 de Red ___________
- /archives//html/Towertalk/2007-12/msg00027.html (8,123 bytes)
- 5. [TowerTalk] Wet coax (score: 1)
- Author: Red Haines <redhaines@acegroup.cc>
- Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 21:21:27 -0600
- The first step is to measure the loss in the coax and determine that it is degraded. An analyzer that can measure impedance is one good way to do that. Open circuit one end and look for minimum imped
- /archives//html/Towertalk/2007-12/msg00493.html (7,880 bytes)
- 6. [TowerTalk] M2 (score: 1)
- Author: Red Haines <redhaines@acegroup.cc>
- Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 21:05:08 -0600
- I requested information by email shortly before Christmas. I was aware that they close for an extended holiday. I received a reply with all the info I requested promptly after Jan 1. I felt that the
- /archives//html/Towertalk/2008-01/msg00340.html (6,481 bytes)
- 7. [TowerTalk] Lunar echo experiment (score: 1)
- Author: Red Haines <redhaines@acegroup.cc>
- Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 11:01:27 -0600
- I appreciate seeing reports from others even though it may be considered OT. My report: I monitored both 6.7925 MHz and 7.4075 MHz January 19Z. Location: N43.8033, W91.395. Rural environment. Antenna
- /archives//html/Towertalk/2008-01/msg00405.html (7,199 bytes)
- 8. [TowerTalk] Silica gel (score: 1)
- Author: Red Haines <redhaines@acegroup.cc>
- Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 09:33:50 -0500
- Don't depend upon silica gel packs for long term moisture control in less than hermetically sealed containers. Silica gel has a finite capacity for absorbing water and, in any container that can "bre
- /archives//html/Towertalk/2008-09/msg00414.html (7,447 bytes)
- 9. Re: [TowerTalk] Rain, snow, or dust static (score: 1)
- Author: Red Haines <redhaines@acegroup.cc>
- Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2008 09:00:39 -0600
- The ICE lightning protectors short low frequency energy on the antenna side to ground through an inductor. 73 de Red _______________________________________________ __________________________________
- /archives//html/Towertalk/2008-11/msg00575.html (6,452 bytes)
- 10. [TowerTalk] Hustler 6BTV (score: 1)
- Author: Red Haines <redhaines@acegroup.cc>
- Date: Sun, 04 Oct 2009 17:25:22 -0500
- I have one that has been up over ten years, over 66 radials each about 66' long. Bandwidth is narrow on 80 meters, but it works fine on all bands and can cover the bandwidth on 80 with a tuner. 73, R
- /archives//html/Towertalk/2009-10/msg00031.html (6,934 bytes)
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