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References: [ 1589 ]

Total 1589 documents matching your query.

41. [Towertalk] Source of Control Wire? (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 23:12:12 -0700
I bought some 1000 ft rolls of CAT-5 when it went on sale at the local computer store (Fry's). I think it was only $39/1000 ft. Rick Karlquist N6RK
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-07/msg00422.html (8,763 bytes)

42. [Towertalk] Dipole setback on a cliff (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 22:52:05 -0700
FWIW, a couple of weeks ago I took the mobile up to the top of a mesa. It was a really great location for VHF: I could receive FM broadcast signals from 200 miles away with armchair copy on the car r
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-07/msg00453.html (9,702 bytes)

43. [Towertalk] OT--Homeowner's Architectural Committee TV show (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 21:05:26 -0700
In the Sacramento Bee (July 14) there was a long article about how El Dorado Hills formed a governmental district with taxing powers to enforce CC&R's. They banned TV antennas even in the days before
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-07/msg00621.html (11,620 bytes)

44. [Towertalk] Teflon - Part 2 (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 21:39:04 -0700
You can get Teflon from McMaster-Carr. Rick Karlquist N6RK
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-07/msg00812.html (11,177 bytes)

45. [Towertalk] NVIS antenna--reflector addition (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 12:31:35 -0700
I have been experimenting with NVIS on 40 meters. Last weekend I compared an inverted vee with 60 foot apex, 90 degree apex angle to an inverted vee with 30 foot apex, 120 degree apex angle. They wer
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-06/msg00063.html (12,115 bytes)

46. [Towertalk] NVIS antenna--reflector addition (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 17:10:07 -0700
I modeled your antenna on EZNEC and it has 3.5 dB gain over a single dipole according to my calculations. You can get another 2.5 dB gain by lengthening the dipoles to 1.25 wl (EDZ) and increasing th
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-06/msg00069.html (17,476 bytes)

47. [Towertalk] winches to pull up tower (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 08:35:30 -0700
Go to the Heights Towers web site. ( Drake just revamped the site and has pictures of the redesigned fold over kit for tilting over their towers. You might be able to adapt thei
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-06/msg00171.html (9,546 bytes)

48. [Towertalk] 40M Dipole Height. (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 20:20:22 -0700
I recently A/B'ed two 40m antennas that were very similar to your existing and proposed antennas. One was an inverted vee at 60 feet (apex height) with a 90 degree apex angle, and the other was an in
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-06/msg00352.html (9,204 bytes)

49. [Towertalk] Re: [Force 12 Talk] XR dilemma (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 08:34:51 -0700
Just wanted to add that during a recent A/B comparison of 40 meter inverted vees at 30 and 60 foot heights, I also tried them on 15 meters (3rd overtone mode). As expected, they loaded up perfectly.
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-06/msg00361.html (12,589 bytes)

50. [Towertalk] Cheap steel cable supplier (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 08:20:43 -0700
The link you posted is broken. Searching on "Scrounge Central" didn't turn up anything. Can you give us some more clues? Thanks for the info. Rick Karlquist N6RK ww
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-05/msg00241.html (8,356 bytes)

51. [Towertalk] Seeking input for new antenna. (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 21:08:26 -0000
Heard at Visalia from the IR crew: Yes they are working on a 4 element version. It will have a ~36 foot boom. They are in the final stages of tuning up the first one, which will be shipped to a beta
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-05/msg00311.html (8,979 bytes)

52. [Towertalk] Kevlar rope perfect for guying vertical antennas (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 20:32:05 -0700
What does "it does not stretch" actually mean? I bought some dacron covered polyester rope advertised as not stretching, and it most definitely stretches. I can easily stretch it several percent by p
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-04/msg00450.html (9,100 bytes)

53. [Towertalk] IRStepper opinions wanted (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 08:14:15 -0700
I would like to hear from an early adopters of the IRStepper antenna from fluidmotion as to its good and bad points. It looks like an interesting technology, but is so far out of the mainstream that
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-04/msg00898.html (7,560 bytes)

54. [Towertalk] Vertical insulated support (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 22:36:12 -0800
They used to sell these in CA at the Orchard Supply Hardware chain. They no longer sell them. Dunno if it was a supply problem or the general downhill trend of OSH since they were bought by Sears. Ri
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-03/msg00023.html (8,894 bytes)

55. [Towertalk] Vertical insulated support (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 07:26:40 -0800
They used to sell these in CA at the Orchard Supply Hardware chain. They no longer sell them. Dunno if it was a supply problem or the general downhill trend of OSH since they were bought by Sears. Ri
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-03/msg00042.html (8,852 bytes)

56. [Towertalk] Grounding an Elevated vertical (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 08:15:31 -0800
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0002_01C1C5B0.3FC14030 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I respectfully disagree. The ground s
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-03/msg00071.html (18,577 bytes)

57. [TowerTalk] 3el electrically steerible yagi? (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 00:03:55 -0800
I have posted a description of my 7 element vertical array at: You might find it worthwhile to add the additional 2 elements. Rick N6RK ___________________________
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-02/msg00009.html (8,102 bytes)

58. [TowerTalk] 3el electrically steerible yagi? (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 18:43:51 -0000
As it states on my web site, I have put it on the air on 40 meters. Rick N6RK ________________________________________________________________________ Where do you get ICE bandpass filters & beverage
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-02/msg00033.html (7,545 bytes)

59. [TowerTalk] 7-hex vertical array articles posted (was: 3 element electrically steerable Yagi) (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 23:03:04 -0800
I have posted "Driving the 7-Hex Array" to my web site at: This is a follow up to the original article: I have also poste
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-02/msg00154.html (8,164 bytes)

60. [TowerTalk] Beverage Winding - suggestion (score: 1)
Author: (Richard Karlquist)
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 22:42:01 -0800
I've been using the extension cord reels that Home Depot sells for less than $5. Besides winding up the beverage wire itself, these reels will also hold 300 ft of coax. Rick N6RK ____________________
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-02/msg00190.html (9,626 bytes)

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