W0UN Pucker Factor Limit -- I know it is reasonably safe to climb higher than the following numbers and I have done so. But my guidelines for when the pucker factor starts to come into play is as fol
Free antennas are usually older ones. So I suspect it is not the following 9-band antennas as suggested by W7XR but more likely the 6 band one in this link. http://www.bencher.com/hf6vx.html\ --John
I recall that this aspect of antenna design and the calculations are addressed in David Leeson's book, "Physical Design of Yagi Antennas." Actually Dave's work in his book was not correct and has bee
I don't know what has happened to their customer service, but it is too bad that they are having problems. Once the "word" about bad customer service gets out, it is most difficult to fix. While this
There continues to be a LOT of misinformation and overly complex info floating around on how to torque balance ANY antenna. The EASIEST way to do the calculations CORRECTLY is to buy the YagiStress p
At 12:01 PM 1/8/2005, K8RI on Tower Talk wrote: I like the tried and true method of torque balancing. If the rotor and/or tower aren't being pushed to their limits, I like the "It looks good to me" a
Unfortunately, Jim, you are making the same mistake that amateur antenna manufacturers and Dr. Dave Leeson (who is ALMOST perfect) made! See below--> You need to read my original posting on this topi
Let me clarify one thing. Any symmetrical (about the boom) surface areas parallel to the elements will cancel. And surface area parallel to the boom will not. So the ENDS of the traps are not balance
I have dug out the three articles--a total of 42 pages. If there is enough interest I will spend some time scanning them and making them available. I have asked Tod if he has a web site where they ca
Jim Jarvis and I have had a couple of off-line exchanges. This is a note I wrote to him to try and make sure we both are talking about the same thing. (As my late partner used to say -- A word is wor
It would take less time to just purge the entire email list and have all interested parties re-subscribe. This thread is getting long enough that I could re-subscribe in less time than it takes to De
Keith-- Professionals doing outdoor enclosures KNOW that you CAN'T seal a box. You MUST let it breathe and drain. Best to give it a good umbrella and drain holes for condensation. When I sold my comp
At 02:58 PM 1/11/2005, Pete Smith wrote: I've been using Rubbermaid "Rough Totes" as weather covers for relay switchboxes and my 160M shunt feed caps, U-bolted through the bottom to the rungs of my t
But what if it was NOT a true copy? Frankly, I find it hard to attribute that message to the Steve Morris K7LXC I'm familiar with here on TowerTalk. It just doesn't sound like him, and until Steve sa
At 08:33 PM 1/11/2005, you wrote: The person in question has not only tried to contact champion to get the right belt,but also sent the wrong one back UPS only to have it refused delivery. That was N
Pete-- Couldn't be better timing! I am just about to undertake my first attempt at using this stuff. Thanks for your efforts and for ARRL for disseminating it. 73--John W0UN At 02:29 PM 1/12/2005, yo
Sam, HS0ZDY, has some odd-voltage coax relays and wanted info on the AMPS reflector on how to rewind them for 12V. Jerry (call unknown) posted the following link, long forgotten by me. Nice to get a
At 08:16 AM 1/19/2005, Jan Erik Holm wrote: Does ROHN use special "ROHN bolts" for their towers? 73 SM2EKM At one time Rohn supplied hot-dipped galvanized bolts with coarse threads. (1/4 -20 and 5/16
At 08:38 AM 1/19/2005, Ed Laughery wrote: Hi I purchased brand spanky new sets of Rohn 25 Tower bolts (in the tube) from WWW.WB0W.Com. Very reasonably priced and quick service. No affiliation other t
Between the sleeve and the mast, I use a fhin piece of polyethylene sheet cut from one of the new "disposable" cutting boards they sell in Walmart and supermarkets. To prevent wear, I wrap it around