I use the commercial version (Andrews) it' 3 inches wide. I use it every day at cell sites. Put down some electrical tape BEFORE you put this on or you will have a mess of a time getting it off if yo
Yes, that is how we do all rooftop installations. We have them on casinos, hotels and such in Florida. You can't punch holes in them. --Original Message-- From: towertalk-bounces@contesting.com [mail
No but we have to move a bunch of photocells for our tower lights. :) Dave n4zkf The scary thing is that Magnetic north moves a bit each year....Are people repositioning their owls every year? Mike W
Anyone got an easy way to tune this? I want to swap out my repeater antenna. It's currently at 149Mhz 1:1 flat. I need it at 147.375 and its 2:1 there right now. Thanks in advance. Pics on the link b
Yea, thats what I always thought too. It was worth the ask. Thanks guys. I have a superstation master. I know how to tune it. I guess Ill stick it up. I have had a G9 up for 2 years and it works grea
I'll hang it with my skyhook and try and stretch it. :) --Original Message-- From: towertalk-bounces@contesting.com [mailto:towertalk-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of RMorris Sent: Wednesday, Nov
I wish I could find the pic I took of a wooden extension ladder being used as a tower just North of Palatka one day (Putnam Co.). I about died laughing. I wouldn't have even asked! Sometimes it's eas
I can send you an email offline if you like on how to "officially" ask if it's in the slope and needs to be lit. Just hope it's not. I can send you a link and a name to ask the FCC and they will chec
Wait till they get caught with "non" certified lighting and no monitoring. IT cost us 6 digits in fines some years back. _______________________________________________ ______________________________
Yes, I have 2 on my West tower hardwired. They work fine. I run siamese cable with RG6. They are powered by my Astron here in the shack. 73 Dave n4zkf e-mail: n4zkf@n4zkf.com web: http://www.n4zkf.co
I have never had a problem with anything but spiders. They like the IR at night sometimes but I use a pepper wipe and it keeps them out. The rest, rain (mother nature) takes care of and washes the le
Mine are 750 TVL from Gadspot. A little over a hundred dollars for 750 TV Lines of Rez is pretty good now days. Plus varifocal, etc. They have some great prices for those interested. POE works well b
If you have crash issues I use this on all my nodes and bbs. It pings the box how often you want it and will reboot if it doesn't respond. I also have it set on the router. You can remote in thru htt
Then how do you know it's a web of BS if your not in it? I have been in it 17+ years. It's over $10 an hour I assure you and not all locals. Gravatech training is 4 digits per person. You saw once ag
Someone is in for a rude awakening. It's going to have more than ONE red light at the top. If it's 450' it's going to have a total of 3 BIG lights and 6 (two tiers) of L810 (markers-smaller lights) S
Correct, but the current lighting systems are not capable of flashing the L810 (markers). Only the strobes. So they are running to the design table to come up with a fix. I guess everyone will be goi
All my guys (15 of them) spent all the money (or I did) on them and they all went back to the Exofit. They didn't like them. 73 Dave n4zkf e-mail: n4zkf@n4zkf.com web: http://www.n4zkf.com AR-Cluster
I run a 35KW propane here. It does 180 Amps @ 220V. I don't have to shed the whole neighborhood! Hi. During the hurricanes in 04 I have extension cords running to 5 neighbors houses. Everyone got a l
I have two of these that I use for checking active bird nests on towers before we climb up to do work. They work off my iPad and iPhone and are pretty slick with a 720p video cam in front and a still