Just talked to Joel and he's hopefully going to find what I need. Might take a few days, though. Two of my local electrical supply houses aren't familiar with the products nor do they have the people
Hi all, I've been reading a few online articles pertaining to single-point ground systems and I need to clarify a few things. I've decided to indeed go with a single-point panel and a perimeter groun
Hi all, I just bought a friend's Cushcraft D40 rotatable dipole for 40m, and plan to put in on the same mast as my Force-12 C31XR and 221 yagis, on a 90 degree offset (so it's parallel to the booms o
Glad to hear it's working well for you. My concern, though, is the tight spacing that I've got to play with. In my case there's only 8 feet of separation between the C31XR and 221 antennas. With that
I'm in the process of re-doing a couple of coax runs and making a permanent installation of everything that's currently just temporary, thus will be making coax lengths exact and making a few jumpers
Hi all, I have a one year old G-1000 DX A rotor and this morning I came into the shack to find the speed control not working. The rotor still turns, but only at full speed. With a C31XR, WARC yagi an
For solder-type PL-259s I've been using a Solder-IT torch/iron combo for a couple of years. However, just in the last couple of months, as my station slowly migrates from temporary to permanent insta
That was my concern for a while until I saw one put on at Dayton like this last year. Essentially what's happening is the braid is sandwiched between the outer crimpable sleeve and the inner solid me
Yes, it takes crimpable connectors, not standard PL-259s. they're about $1.50 to $1.75 apiece, cheaper in bigger lots. They are readily available through numerous sources. No. The crimp process requi
You think *that's* bad, I'm putting in a halo-ground system. A 200' spool of #4 Solid is $178, and I need 2 of them!. I'm holding off till Spring and hoping it drops a little by then. Cheers, Peter,
When we put in new lighting in the house last month we went with Lutron "smart" dimmers (3-way dimmers that "talk" to each other), and so far not a whit of detectable RFI from them, nor from conventi
Hi all, I'm in the process of laying some radials down in the back yard for 160, and something occurred to me. On two sides of my yard is a wooden fence about 7' high, 75' one way from the feed point
Just ordered some 6-pin Male and Female C-J's from Mouser last week. Their part number 538-13061 for male 6 pin and 538-23061 for female 6 (this is inline, not panel-mount, non-locking). I didn't see
I have a Force 12 C31XR, a rotatable 40m dipole and a Force 12 2/2/1 WARC antenna on a 10' mast using just a 1000 DX-A and it's running fine. Control box had a hissy-fit, though, and I switched to a
I originally wanted to go with a 4-element SteppIR for aesthetics, but what convinced me ultimately had nothing to do with an antenna at all. It was CQWW-SSB a few years ago. Saturday night, 40m; the
Hi all, Getting ready to put my ground system in shortly but will be shopping for Polyphasers, etc at Hamvention next week. Here's what I have. One 70' crank-up tower about 5 feet from the back wall
All this talk about Ameritron and A/S antenna relays has just hit my radar screen and I have a question. First off, I know and respect Jay tremendously, have bought from him in the past, will do so a
SO2R would be *real* nice to have, especially since 15 will probably start opening up in a year or two, and 10 shortly after that. I may just wind up not getting anything in this case. The whole ide
Hi all, I'd like to ask a big favor of someone on-list who may be able to help me run HFTA for my home QTH. Two days of trying, and I can't even figure out how to load the darned software, let alone
Hi 4 hours of back-breaking labour has resulted in my being able to get a ground rod down 14" using a 10# hand sledge. My soil is extremely rocky and this rod MUST go in within a foot of a 100+ year