Hi guys, I'm new to the reflector and relatively-new to HF DXing and I'd be very grateful for some assistance in the field of choosing the best components, planning, etc, for later this year. The sho
Oh, the 55' tower, yagi and VEEs were indeed both highly suggested and recommended; it was just the SteppIR that was not. Indeed, looking at the specs, it would seem the SteppIR (even the 4-el versio
Hi Scott, Thanks <g>. It's been "fun" to say the least. I will indeed take a look into this, but from what I've heard, our planned neighbourhood is free of CC&Rs, HOAs and even municipal regulations
Hi Jerry, Thanks. I'm in NYC, but if we're ever by that way (we get to Harrisburg every so often), I think I'll take ya up on that offer! I'd love to play with one of those and see what they're all a
That may be the town, but are there homeowner's associations with CC&Rs? Frankly, I'd rather have a town ordinance to worry about than private CC&Rs against antennae. - pjd W2IRT ____________________
Well, that's where PRB-1 could help him. IF there are any town ordinances, he has a shot. My worry, as I mentioned in a previous post, wouldn't be town regs, but private CC&Rs which have no PRB-1 exe
Hi guys, I'm about a month or two away from my first tower and beam. While I have some questions on grounding that I will ask in another thread, I'm looking for ideas on antennas. For the higher band
Hi Tom, This brings up a question I was about to pose to the list myself! In my new QTH, the tower is at the back of the house (an existing base with new tower). I will ground each leg and bind them
I firmly believe that in order to be permitted to write an amateur exam at any level you should be required to complete an approved training course and be taught not just the fundamentals of radio th