Greg, I have had great luck with Copper Scrubbies. I buy them in the Kitchen department at Wal*Mart in packs of 4. I stuff them into the open ends of my conduit (2 inch) and can easily remove and rei
The #1819 lamp in my old style CDE controller went out and I decided to replace it with an LED replacement bulb. I have found lots of folks on the Internet who will sell me 100 of them, but I really
I used two 4 Pin Trailer connectors - back to back. That is one has the female on the rotor and the other has the male on the rotor with the matching pieces on the cable. They are designed to be used
When I moved to Western Kentucky (Marshall County) eight years ago, I found a 15 acres plot with a very acceptable house at a price I could afford. I then went to the County Court House in Benton, an
I have an early Ameritron RCS-4 and it has served me well. Texas Towers has a K5GW one that looks interesting. Not online (?) but in their catalog. DXEngineering (always a good choice) also has one.
In the ARRL Antenna Book, 17th edition, the antenna you are interested is explained on pages 4-16 to 4-18. It is called the K0EOU Broadband Sloper. I became interested in it because the author claims
This is a different beast than a sloper. The antenna is comprised of 3 elements. The "driven" elements (the ones connected to the coax) start at 15 feet high on the tower. They are set so that they a
Check out Sign Companies and the larger Electrical Contractors in the area. They can have (or have access to) large truck mounted augers. They set poles for the really tall signs for Gas Stations tha
Nope - Just bolts and nuts. There is no rotational stress on them. And don't tighten them too much. Just snug is all you need. Any tighter and you will deform the tubes. Clint - W5CPT I just bought s
The T-8 from Tennadyne. 18 Foot boom for $754 - Hard to beat. Clint - W5CPT - Moderator Tennadyne Yahoo Group - Let the games begin... I have a good friend with somewhat limited rotational space ( do
Theoretically all the elements interact somewhat at all frequencies. However the effect of the smaller elements on the lower frequencies and the inverse of that, being the largest elements on the hig
I just looked online at the XR-5. Impressive antenna but at that price you could buy 2 T-8s and stack them. Clint - W5CPT That's a VERY good question. The XR-5 has TWO FULL SIZED elements on each of
The easiest way to check is to call and ask Gerald, Matt or Jim. It has been my experience that they may be a bit direct sometimes but will always give an honest answer. I worked for Gerald for 3 yea
Yes. Clint - W5CPT Are Slipp-Nott mast clamps (rotator to mast and boom to mast) really effective? If so, where can I purchase them? 73, Jeff Jeffrey K. Okamitsu, PhD, MBA +1-609-638-54
Bill, You need to re-calculate your costs regarding Phillistran. Once you buy the insulators, clamps and the rest, the difference is small when you factor in your time to make the guys sections, the
I have decided to build a Cage Vertical. I can get about 80 to 100 feet straight up by suspending it from a catenary strung between two of my taller trees. Two points: 1 The wire I intend to use is F
Thanks Jim, That is exactly the kind of solution for which I was looking! Clint - W5CPT Clint, You can use the thin drain pipe and drill the attaching holes through the side of each ring. Then you ca
Dick, Thanks for the "heads-up". I never have figured out how to model an antenna. I really didn't think I could cover both the 75 & 80M bands. I had hoped to broaden the bandwidth enough that I didn
I have that exact antenna hanging from my tiny tower. It works really well and it even loads nicely on 15M. I sure it would be more of a "DX Antenna" if it were higher than its' 40 feet, but I sit on
I experienced something similar once when I unknowably used Lead-Free solder on a half dozen connectors. I thought it flowed poorly when I put the connectors on and less than 6 months later had a con