Yeah, if you don't belive that, get hold of the NCCC SO2R video and watch him. You'll be entertained for sure. 73 Tom W7WHY _______________________________________________ ___________________________
Hi David I do a lot of camping in the summer here and I have found that a good old G5RV works excellent. I use an MFJ tuner and there is always somewhere to throw a rope over a tree and hoist it up.
HI All By chance has anyone upgraded to the MFJ 269B and have a spare 259B they would like to sell? I'm looking for one. Thanks and 73 Tom W7WHY _______________________________________________ ______
Hi I got some of that at a garage sale one time. The stuff I got was really brittle and it broke very easily. You might want to check that. Not sure of the size, I had but I never did get to use any
Hi all I just got a MFJ 259B and trying to set up some stubs. On 40, there is a quarter wave stub, shorted on the end. On 20, there is a stub the same length, only open. On the 40 meter stub, do I ju
Hi TT'ians I got my 3 vertical array up and running Sunday and it seems to be working pretty slick, switchable in 6 directions. I am using a 1/4 wave phasing line. I have misplaced my ON4UN Low Band
Hi Jim Don't know where my '1/4 wave on the end of a 1/2 wave' came from :-) It's 3/8 wave not 3/4 wave. Brain fart I guess. Thanks for straightening me out and 73 Tom W7WHY Thanks __________________
Hi All Anyone got a newer copy copy of that book they want to part with? Would like to pay with Paypal if possible. I tried to order one through the ARRL website, but kept telling me '7040 is not a v
Hi Dave, et al Found a copy at Barnes and Noble. It is on the way here. Thanks all and 73 Tom W7WHY Click on "Add to shopping basket" and you are good to go
Hi Jim I remember seeing an article in CQ years back and it was for a center fed dipole fed with 2 leads of coax for open wire. The grounds were tied together at the antenna and the tuner and fed lik
-- > For ham use, metal is the way to go. Absolutely right. And when you are not using the antenna on top, load the whole thing up for another band :-) 73 Tom W7WHY __________________________________
Howdy all This has been an interesting thread, but no one has touched on my problem. If I get more that 10 feet in the air, I start getting very nervous. The thought of climbing a 40 foot tower makes
Try to convince Steve. Seems he is not a believing in antenna simulation. But I don´t believe in gain figures which are not measured in the main lobe Peter +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Hi all My neighbor has a small shed in his back yard. In fact, most of the houses on the street have one (except mine--too many antennas back there to put in a shed). My neighbor across the street ha
And that's bad??? I really like the government getting involved in my life, telling me what I can and can't do in my own house, inside or out. More govenment meddling is just what we need in this cou
Hi Bill Well, there are evidently some people sitting around making rules on what you can do and what you cannot do in or around your own house. Not sure if these are elected people or just people th
I have a small crank up here, about 30 foot, and the only noise I hear from it is the wind whistling throught the crankup cables. Other than that, no difference from any regular tower I've had. 73 To
Hi All I am trying to design a KISS arrangement for switching all antennas between 2 radios. Right now I am thinking of just having each antenna terminate in a coax jack and manually move the cable f
Well, I built a 2 element 20 meter monobander the easy way. Split the driven element, put it on a 1/4 wave boom with a reflector. SWR is perfect. I worked Clipperton with it so I guess it is the best
Well, the picture of the guy on top of a 'partially retracted' tower made me pucker. I know cables are not supposed to break and the tower come down, but.......... Tom W7WHY _________________________