Hi Pete, et al To me it looks very pretty, but a nightmare just waiting to happen! 73 Topm W7WHY _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerT
Or the "omni directinal beam" with a round driven element and a round director around the outside. 73 Tom W7WHY _______________________________________________ _______________________________________
He is right. Might as well sell your gear and take up stamp collecting if you can't put up a full sized 4-square with 5 miles of radials. I have found out that any antenna will work DX, some just bet
Howdy TT'ians Looking to buy a small rotor here. I will be using to turn a 2 el 20 meter monobander. It has to fit inside the tower onto the pipe. Something like an AR-40 (which is what I have now, b
Hi Steve I know I've gotten lots of good help here on my different antenna projects. Now I have another one brewing in my mind that I'll be asking questions about in a bit. The only problem is how fa
Hi All Just put up a new (to me) Daiwa MR 750 rotor on the tower. Does anyone have a manual for this rotor? It is using the CR-4 controller. Be glad to pay for one, or a scanned one would suffice. Th
Hi all I built a couple of 2 el beams, one for 20 and one for 10. I just split the driven element, fed them directly with 50 ohm coax. and spaced the reflector at a 1/4 wave. It seems to be a good ma
Hi Tim I had a problem with the bottom of the 160 inverted L pulling loose from the insulator at the bottom of the antenna, so I just got one of those black bungi tiedowns and put that from the insul
Soome recent posts made me wonder something--could I put one of those 40 meter add-on kits on my 20 meter monobander? I have a home-brew 2 element jobbie. 73 and thanks Tom W7WHY ____________________
Hi All Thanks for all the replies, to the reflector and direct. General consensus is to forget it!! 73 and thanks Tom W7WHY _______________________________________________ ___________________________
Hi Jim et al Your right on there. I bought some PL259's at a hamfest here last summer. They had a nice white dielectric and I thought it was teflon. When I tried to solder the coax to the connector,
Hi Peter In most of the beams I have built, I just use Vasoline to cover the connections. I have taken antennas down that has been up for a LONG time and the connections are just as clean as the day
Hi Eric Kinda sad reading, but just makes a guy wonder--how many of these guys were really trained in tower climbing. There's a lot more to climbing a tower than just strapping on a belt and heading
Hi All If 90 degrees is 360/4 (1/4 wave) then is 72 degrees 360/5 (1/5 wave)? Would that make a 72 degree phasing line 23.4 feet (133/5 * .88)? Then an 80 degree phasing line would be 26.1 feet (133/
Hack saw with 2 blades in it. 73 Tom W7WHY _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list TowerTalk@contesting.com http://lists
Boy, now that is about the dumbest statement I seen in a while!! I'm sure you must have said that just to rile up the troops or something. How high is high enough anyway?? Tom W7WHY ________________
Hi Mike I just replaced the rotor in my tower and I just lifted the antenna up and out of the rotor clamp and put a clamp around the mast above the top of the tower to keep it from sliding down. Then
That's what I got out of the post. I also use a Reyco KW-80 here in an 160/80 inverted L. Works very well. No balun here either :-) 73 Tom W7WHY _______________________________________________ ______
Hi John Go for the 2 element jobbie. I have a 2 element monobander for 20 and it is only about 25-30 feet high and works pretty good! I have an all band center fed antenna here and the 2 el always ou
Hi Richards One thing you always have to remember, any antenna in the air is much better than one on your computer screen :-) 73 Tom W7WHY " _______________________________________________ __________