I would tie (very securely in several places--for stability) a ladder to one of the sides. This would allow a lot of the downward forces to be distributed between the roof and the tower. I have the G
I have had extensive experience with ground mounted inverted Ls and verticals on 160M, 80M, and 40M since the early 80s at 3 different QTHs. I presently have a pair of inverted Ls on 160, a pair on i
When I had a crank-up/tilt over tower (Wilson 45 foot), I would tilt the tower (lowered!) over a 10 foot sawhorse (rather unwieldy to set up but with two people quite easy!) and then used a 12 foot '
Check out smarthome.com. They have a lot of neat (but pricey) items including a dimmable CFL. I have bought a couple of their items (but have not tried the dimmable CFL yet. ) I do have a lot of CFLs
I use coaxial inverted Ls. Direct feed and no tuner needed if feeding a single coaxial inverted L. (I phase multiple inverted Ls and that does require a tuner). The coaxial inverted L does require ra
I used to phase a pair of coaxial inverted Ls (a pair on 160m, a pair on 75m, and a pair on 40m). I did the following: 1. The feedlines to each antenna had to be the same length. Each antenna was sep
I have done exactly as you describe. Seems to work very good. I use every piece of wire I can get me hands on for radials....old RG6, RG8, RG58, multiconductor cables, etc. Yes, I short the shield to
I had the C4 (which is a c-3 with the 40M element) up for 10 years when I lived in Iowa. I wrapped all the fiberglass with Scotch 88 electrical tape. When I took it down after ten years, the fibergla
I have used a Cushcraft A627013S (3 els on 6m, 5 on 2M, and 5 on 440). Two feedlines used. Too bad you are not close to my QTH (near Albany, NY); I am trying to sell this antenna as I do not have roo