I made sure the dacron rope I use to hold my dipole up had a significantly lower break strength than the wireman wire I used for the dipole itself. It's still not a guarantee, as the branch may kink
Hi Kim, Do you have some literature to support this? Not saying it's incorrect, I'm honestly just curious to read the material. Sean WA1TE _______________________________________________ ____________
W1NY runs AB577 towers, 2 with tribanders for 10/15/20 and 2 with 40-2CD beams for 40. The masts are alternated 40CW,tribander CW, 40SSB, tribander SSB. Each station has a bandpass filter on it. We'l
This might be an interesting place to start: https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/wiki/index There's a decent community there. You can also join our IRC channel here: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.
My only problem with the jefatech LMR400 flex that I have outdoors is that my local squirrels really like the taste of the jacket. 73 de WA1TE _______________________________________________ ________
I strongly suspect that the HF yagis should follow the same patterns as the VHF antennas. Find the stacking distance and keep them out of each other's apertures. If possible, avoid harmonically relat
On the other hand, in Massachusetts I've had the squirrels chew both the jacket of some LMR400 as well as the aluminum boom on a yagi. It seems that usually the damage is done in the spring, or. At l
One thing I considered when hanging my dipole was the breaking strength of the wire used on the antenna vs that of the rope. Over the 5 years the antenna has been up, the rope has been entangled in e
I've seen ribbon cable used as a "Norcal Doublet," but it's basically just a QRP-capable ladder line fed dipole. 73 Sean WA1TE _______________________________________________ ________________________
I don't see a tab or anything on it for a ground connection beyond the shield. Usually lightning protection has a separate ground bond. _______________________________________________ _______________
The Project Farm guy is great, I watch a ton of his videos. He tests all sorts of things. Never buy a lawnmower off of him unless you want to see what a motor looks like after it had it's motor oil r