I think both Dave and Bob are correct. Best thing to do is install a proper single-point ground (SPG) as close to the station as possible. This can consist of one or more ground rods bonded together
I have three model 1022E TIC rings on my 110' Rohn 55 tower, each with a 4-el SteppIR. The rings were purchased in the Summer of 2006. Note that the standard 1022E ring doesn't fit on Rohn 55 unless
I probably didn't describe it very well -- it's not as scary as you think. I may be hanging on with one hand, but there's always one side of the fall-arrest Y-lanyard secured to the tower. Also, my t
A much cheaper alternative is the Cadweld B-137-16 ground rod sleeve: http://www.hol4g.com/ac/product.aspx?number=CAD-B-137-16&p=172141&sc=0 I got one 11 years ago from The RF Connection for $16. Sli
I'd like to hear from anyone else who has used the KD9SV dual-beverage system and/or compared it with other models on the market. I have a single 580' beverage up now, pointing roughly at EU (well, 2
Bury-Flex may be slightly less flexible than LMR400 UF, but I've found it perfectly suitable for high-flex applications like rotor loops. Also, the LMR400UF jacket is so soft that it tends to work lo
Yes. The factory told me to squirt some automotive grease in between the ring and tube. This definitely helps rotation and protects the tube from abrasion. Also, you can grease the lower thrust beari
I found it was somewhat easier to wrap the Phillystran if it was being held straight, under light tension. This freed up both hands to wrap the two legs more or less simultaneously after the first fe
There are a number of ways to do what you want to do. Here are a few suggestions: 1. It's easier to assemble the guy anchor while the target section is on the ground. It's too late to do that with yo
Hi Al, I've trammed three 4-el SteppIRs and a 165 lb 2D-40A up my 110' Rohn 55 tower, so "been there, done that." Your setup for the tram and sling sound good. The tiller is an absolute must. The lar
A Ufer ground doesn't necessarily call for a welded rebar cage. The NEC code doesn't require it, and there have been several studies showing that properly wired rebar provides sufficient conductivity
At 15' separation, I don't think the 80m yagi would "see" the MonstIR, and as you say the MonstIR elements can be retracted. The MonstIR will probably be affected by the 80m yagi on 20m or 10m, but I
But nominally you have 42 sq ft of antenna load! Much more important, though, Jerry is correct about the 2-el 15 feet up dramatically increasing the windload. I can't calculate the exact number, but
I have a full-size 40m 4-square with aluminum tubing elements and 60 ground radials per element. Dumped power is under 2% in the CW portion of the band. F/B is 20-30 dB. Over the past 8 years, I've h
While we're on the subject of crimp connector center pins, I'm wondering if anyone out there has had issues with the center pin on PL-259 crimp connectors not making reliable contact in SO-239 connec
Another good choice is Hill Radio: http://hillradio.net. Hill is a Rohn dealer. Excellent prices and service. 500' of 1/4" EHS is 127.40 plus shipping (it was $80 two years ago!) 73, Dick WC1M ______
I use a similar method on my 72' US Tower MA-770MDP (that's the motorized version, and I can't see it from the shack when it's raising and lowering.) There's a standoff near the top of each section.
I agree, but it's possible to remotely operate a motorized tower if sufficient precautions are taken, as described in my last post. After nearly 11 years of remotely controlling my tubular tower wit
I share one Hy-Gain DCU-1 controller between three rotors: a T2X and two Ham IV rotors. It isn't perfect because the calibration is slightly different between the T2X and Ham IV, but it's good enough
Both clamps look more than adequate to the task. However, I see some problems: 1. Steve, my M2 OR2800, which was bought new last year, has a bolt and bushing in the middle of the base shelf that stic