Like that idea Jim. I think I'll try it. Thanks Carl -- Original Message -- From: "Jim White" <> To: "Bradley Nowak" <>; "Bill Otten" <>; <t
All right guys. Without getting involved in the politics of whether or not you want to know about the FQP in this reflector... Please don't rag Florida like that. We are not ragging CA or TX.... This
I don't think that Pete (with his original comment) nor I (with my ditto), were saying that the issue should not be discussed nor that it was not important, only that is seems to have run it's course
Florida just passed a law that lets ANYBODY have a flagpole...even with a HOA and CCRs... Fortunatel, there are several Flagpole verticals out there now that cover many bands. So at least there's an
My only question with the StepIR is how long will the mechanical parts hold out with the movement? I wouldn't want to be the first kid on the block to get one. 73 Carl
Just about any good ham rotor would work for that antenna Ken. A Hy-Gain, Yaseu, etc. Think about any future plans you may have of adding or changing antennas though so that you can plan ahead. Also,
I implement ERP systems, and I can tell you that Steve is on the money. There's the order taking, order processing, pick list generation, picking, packing, loading, shipping, documents, etc. NONE of
The problem is that in one merchant builds the S & H costs into the price and another doesn't, he's perceived as having the highest price. Some of blame for this goes to all new and easy methods of a
We have a guy in South Florida called "Simmons"... They are really inexpensive. Don't know if they would be convenient for you in the 5th call area though. 73 Carl hints?
I did not want to add to this continuing thread but since it looks like it won't end anyway, here it goes: Most systems on the web cannot calculate the handling charge until the entire order is place
To Jim's Point and without mentioning specific names: 1. I get a discount at my local hardware store! I buy the small stuff, but when I needed new locks for the whole house, with one key mechanism, I
I believe you unsubscribe by sending a message to: You can put "Unsubscribe" in the subject but I don't believe it's required. 73 & GL Carl notice the time passwo
OK. There's the direct link: Replace the with the email address you use on towe