Navigate to and click on the tab near the top of the page called "Choosing the Correct Balun". It has information on feedlines and le
I agree ... as a minimum I would use a 2x8 backer board long enough to properly distribute the load, and then attach the bracket to the backer board. Even so, the extra stress on your wall due to win
According to TLW, 100 feet of RG-8x to an SWR of 1.5:1 at the antenna will give you about 1.7 db of loss on the 15 meter band, and RG-8 or LMR-400 will have about 0.7 db of loss. One db is just barel
Or these from Array Solutions, which also include a capacitor across each MOV. By the way, I use one of these at the top of t
Home Depot sells galvanized ground clamps in various sizes up to 2 inches that will handle wire much thicker than #4. The best approach would be to just use two clamps on each leg, but if you're chea
Personally, I think you'd get better performance at lower cost by simply putting a modest 6m yagi above whatever HF yagi your friend can afford. For example, the M2 6M5X would give him 5 elements for
That sounds like a good suggestion. It looks really solid and is about $50 cheaper as well. Dave AB7E _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ T
I have a similar system with almost 2000 feet of wire laid out in a large circle and I can't tell any difference in noise level with it turned on or off ... and I live in a semi-rural area with a ver
I chose the I.C.E. units for these reasons: Admittedly the publication was written by I.C.E., but it made sense to me to have the DC shunting capability. Maybe
That's convenient, but possibly not wise. I wonder what your insurance company's position will be if your tower falls down and causes a lot of damage (or injures someone), and you can't show that ins
I searched both the product review section (rotators and accessories) and the company review section (under forums) on eHam and couldn't find any postings (pro or con) since early July so I'm not sur
I'm no metallurgical expert, but I have always heard about the need to heat treat aluminum welds when strength or reliability are issues. My background is in semiconductors and even evaporated alumin
I have a PST-61D with a large tribander and a shorty 40 above it on a 2 inch chrome-moly mast. Not long after I put it up this spring we experienced some of the strongest clear weather winds I've eve
Something looks pretty out of whack with those numbers. According to TLW, you'd need an SWR around 150:1 to get 6.5 db loss from 30 feet of RG-213 at 14 MHz. Dave AB7E _______________________________
Sorry, but in my mind that's a description of a horribly managed company. I recently bought a few I.C.E. coaxial surge suppressors and they arrived within a couple of weeks, but if I had experiences
Steve, I've played around quite a bit with ways to make inexpensive connectors for 1/2 inch Heliax, and here is my suggestion for a splice. The inner conductor of 1/2 Heliax is 0.190 inch in diameter
It sounds like interesting stuff, and Nycon is a fine company ... I bought 40 lbs of their nylon fibers and had the stucco subcontractor add it to the scratch coat (first coat) when they coated my ho
I don't think there is a valid general answer to that question. It depends upon whether you're talking a free-standing tower or a guyed one, and what kind of soil conditions (viscosity, etc) you have
That is extremely illogical. Just because you have part of a Ufer ground doesn't mean you have a satisfactory Ufer ground. There are specs for surface area that I'd bet aren't satisfied by a small pa
Someone recently posted a query about an EZNEC model for the M2 4-element yagi with dual driven elements. I misplaced the posting, but if the requester is interested in modeling 40m dual driven eleme