Hi Chas, The current plan is this: They are going to run a #8 ground stranded wire down from the rail system, following the same route as the electric wires, attaching it to the ground bar inside the
I have an old Rohn TB3 that came with a used tower I bought. Cosmetically it looks good and spins without any unusual noise, but it feels like the bearings are somewhat oval in shape instead of round
Marsh, Since you are doing everything per spec, what does the tower manufacturer say you should do? And what does your town building inspector say you should do? IMHO, as long as they both approve of
I am considering putting up a Luso telescoping (crankup) tower in order to avoid a challenging guy wire installation.In order for it to make sense, I would need to be able to side-mount a yagi at the
Goodies or sale: 100' of used but regalvanized 55G 180' of 45G, some new, some used, some regalvanized. 90' of 25G, regalvanized Three vintage Telex Hygain 205CA 5 ele. 20m monobanders in original fa