I don't know what prompted K3UHF's continued diatribe about our rover excursion to WTX for the September contest, especially since our "giant" scores are 100K LESS than the top east coast rover score
(Wayne, N6NB, asked me to post the following for him. John, N6MU) Some of the comments about roving posted here have been more passionate than factual. I'd like to present a few facts about our rovin
What are you questioning, Bob? There were three separate rover vehicles each using a different callsign. If you want to see a picture of them go to n6nb.com and click on roving. 73... John, N6MU ____
Our route is no secret. All convergences were scouted before the contest to make sure they were readily accessible and on public land. The terrain is basically flat and the roads excellent. We starte
George is absolutely right. As a matter of fact, the posted speed limit on most of the roads in that area is 75! The roads are great and there is virtually no traffic. When all you do is stop for gas
No worries about big guns hogging 144.2 out here in the greater LA area. There were only a couple of serious Sprinters on. I happened to be at N6NB's DM13 QTH and got on with 100W just to see the act
I'm getting tired of being accused of being a captive rover who only works other rovers while 500 feet apart. Here's some real data from the June contest and is typical of our operations. The team of
And perhaps they don't, Frank. I had 354 "other" Qs with no uniques, no lost mults and no penalties. I just had one incorrect exchange. 73 and Merry Christmas! John, N6MU ARVHFJUN-2006 Call: N6MU Cat