Hello again, I should have put a smiley behind the question as it was not a serious question. My apologies. The contact took place an hour and a half before the sprint, so I couldn't have counted it
Hi John, I bought two A270-10S antennas with a phasing harness from a fellow ham. I put the stack at 30 feet (horizontally of course) and did some experiments. I found that the performance was very d
Hi Tom, The ham I bought the antennas from also used them as a rover antenna. It came with three harnesses. One harness was to stack two of these beams and then the other two are the duplexers (two e
I worked the ARRL June VHF QP to gauge what the activity level is in order to determine if I want to bother investing in larger VHF/UHF antennas. I'm in NEPA and live very near the top of one of the
Hi Terry, A brief description of the setup can be found at: http://3830scores.com/showrumor.php?arg=6haLzlfsmicc3 The FT-897 certainly is nothing to write home about when it comes to VHF/UHF operatio
Hi there, During the contest I imported the ADI file generated by WSJT-X into N1MM+. When I generate the Cabrillo file and upload it to the ARRL site it complains about "FT" not being a valid mode. W
Perhaps some "VHF types" could behave less like "HF newbies" and learn to just send an RRR message when that happens. That will advance the other side to the 73 message. You already got their grid on
Hi there, I'm still getting my feet wet on VHF and I'm contemplating which antennas to put up next for 6 and 2 meters. Initially I was thinking of installing a M2 2M9SSB for 2 meters, but then notice
I thought it was a lot better than in previous contests. Sure there were some folks not using the contest mode, but I'm just glad they are there at all and I'll switch modes and work them. I can't ge
Hi Paul, I thought activity was lower than usual on two meters, too. Or at least in my area. I added a panadapter/band scope to my 2m rig last year and kept seeing the same 3 or 4 traces of the stati
Hi Marshall, Good advice by your friend. Remember, part of the audience you are addressing grew up with 140 character limits, and "tl;dr" is an appropriate excuse. ;-) The other day I was operating s
Hi Bart, Does this mean that there will be no more mailed certificates in the future? 73, --Alex KR1ST (FN21fk) _______________________________________________ VHFcontesting mailing list VHFcontestin
The wording on the web page does indeed indicate this: "Certificates are available to all contest entrants who submitted a log before the due date for a category other than a checklog." I just checke
+1 for 144.174 for FT8. It seems that that's the frequency where people are finding each other now. If anything, this discussion really makes me appreciate how reasonably well things work on HF. Ther
Hi Marshall, Even though I agree with you, the problem on 313 is that not everyone, perhaps even most stations, are not in the contest. Folks just want to work DX or make casual contacts. Perhaps the
Also, move people up the bands you have when you work them on the lower bands. Before you move, though, always ask if there are others on frequency who need to work you. This point bears repeating.
Hi Zack, I use a Raspberry Pi 3 B with GQRX for the bandscope. GQRX has a "demod off" mode which is nice if you only want to use it as a bandscope. Saves a lot of CPU cycles! I do use the KD2C board
Good morning, I'll try to be on for most of the contest period on 6/2/432 SSB and digital, and may even try CW. I'm just a little pistol with just 100W/6M3 on 6, 100W/2M9 on, 2 and 75W/2M9 on 432 (lo