I knew I should have put more detail in my email so folks wouldn't potentially get a bad read, but at 0200 local time, it is what it is... To clarify, I was hoping for more classes of entry. Yes, I k
Folks, I will be at my usual location in San Diego County (DM12rr) this coming weekend, on all two bands and hopefully starting on time Saturday morning. Please encourage other folks not necessarily
Reminders are are good prompts as well... I'm hoping to be on the air about 3 to 4 this afternoon PDT thru the rest of the event Sunday evening... Look for DM12 please.. -KG6IYN The September ARRL V
Nice tribute, thanks Tim. Jim was a long time stalwart of VHF+ Weak Signal operating from Nevada... ALL OF NV! His grid DXpeditions in the 80s and 90s took him to every grid in Nevada Many times and
I echo the comments James made as related to "controlling the squelch". In many cases where i have worked folks for the brief interval where either an airplane or other supporting phenomenon has faci