Planning mostly for Saturday, Sunday will be limited and probably just FN03. Lower 4 bands, 100 watts with stacked Yagis on higher 2 bands. General plan, subject to adjustment: FN02wv 1400-1600 FN12a
AB2YI/R will be out roving Saturday and Sunday on the lower 4 bands. Running 100 watts to 3 el on 6m, 6 el on 2m, and stacks on 222 and 432. I plan to cover at least the corner of FN03/FN02/ FN12 and
Will be atop Cadillac Mt FN54 as portable or rover. Have scouted FN64 for rover site, but will give 10w a try to see if can be heard. 73, David AB2YI _______________________________________________ V
Watching the weather with predicted 50% chance of thunderstorms in the hills both Saturday and Sunday. I would like to rove in FN02, FN12, FN03, (FN13?) on 222 and 432, but will see how WX looks. Hav
As an update, a 2x4 cut to a hexagonal block can be drilled for 48" 1/2" dowels to carry the corners of this antenna. Put an angle bracket on hub for mast. I tie monofilament loops at the corners of
Just sent an update on Mini-Horse antenna. Thought I was replying to recent post, but saw after hitting "send" that it was not. However, have thought of using them as stacked 3 elements on 6m or 2m.
Plans have been changing a lot this week, but I'm intending to do an expanded rove beyond the usual WNY, past Syracuse, into Massachusetts and nearby grids. Will probably start working over the FN02/
Planning on roving this weekend in UHF contest around corner of FN03/02/12/13. I have 25 w on 222 and 70 w on 432, stacked Yagis. Thanks to loaner rig, 2w CW/SSB on 1296 with16 element Yagi--will see
With weather and predicted rain changing, I hope to be out both days, but Sunday is looking better. Lower 4 bands, CW/SSB, up to 100w, stacks on 222 and 432. I will probably start in FN03 with less r