In the Twin Cities area the NLRS has had some success with FM contesting by promoting the contest in advance through the local repeaters (clubs) and their swap net meetings. We often have a NLRS club
The following is a cut & paste from an email letter that I sent to the contact name for 27 different VHF contesting clubs. If you have not seen this, please pass it along as you see appropriate. 73,
Here are the W0ZQ/R plans for the June contest. It will be a Sunday only rove. Its also a shake down cruise for Rovermania II (August UHF contest), so a more relaxing pace is planned. I'll be on 144.
With the June VHF contest behind us its time to think about the ARRL August UHF contest and Rovermania II. You may remember that last year the Northern Lights Radio Society (NLRS) sponsored Rovermani
Its less than four weeks to the ARRL's August UHF contest and Rovermania II. Do you know where your rovers are ? The UHF contest runs from 1800 UTC August 6 to 1800 UTC August 7. Here in NLRS land pl
Hi Ken. My experience is that foliage starts to be a problem at 432 and by 1296 it is a problem. It also depends on how close the foliage is to you and how thick it is. Worst case scenario is when yo
As of this morning the ARRL's website is showing 121 electronic logs. Of these 121 logs, 21 are rovers. EPA, NTX, and Ill Sections have eight entries, CO has seven, and MI, NNJ, WMA have six each. Su
Ev (W2EV), regarding the polling question I answered it with the assumption that although a rover was circling with another rover, that they would work other stations if called. That is the rovers ar
As Tree has pointed out, a 432 yagi is 3/2 wavelengths on 144 and it may show a decent SWR. The pattern will be anything but decent and will most likely have a null straight ahead. The antenna may ha
I think that you will get a lot of different responses to this question John. Here is how I have simplified my home/rover station. Its one solution. I bought an FT-897 which comes stock with 6, 2, an
Hi Dave. The key to the integration is the "large" battery bay area, the good documentation that is available on the FT-897, and the design itself. between the FT-897s main PCB and its PA board. They
The W0ZQ/R rover-lite mobile will be out & about for the June contest with 6m through 10 GHz. In order, I will be activating EN35, 25, 24, and 34 on Saturday. On Sunday it will be EN34, 44, 43, 33, 2
Hello fellow VHF/UHF/microwave contesting enthusiasts. Although its still a good six weeks away, please mark August 4 & 5 on your calendars for the ARRL UHF contest. As many of you are aware, over th
Up here in NLRS-land we have been somewhat busy with hosting this years CSVHF Society conference, but we have not lost complete sight of this weekends UHF Contest and our NLRS Rovermania III. In 2003
The Northern Lights Radio Society (NLRS) is excited to announce the creation and sponsorship of a Limited Rover award for the ARRL's UHF contest. The purpose of this award is to encourage roving by t
The recent thread on Tech's in VHF weak signal prompted me to take a look at our own NLRS roster. I also looked at the distribution of Extra, Advanced, General, and Technician licenses in Minnesota (
<snip> The better idea as spoken here is to do either or both of offering loaner equipment and antennas, or taking the newbie with you to see how much fun rovering, hilltopping and portable operating
It was certainly fun, but I really don't enjoy frightening people like that. I'm curious how more experienced rovers handle this problem. Hi Sean. First off, welcome to roving. You are going to have