Maybe we need to look a little at what us interested in VHF/UHF weak signal operating. For me, I was always interested in propagation. Even before becoming a ham (at age 13), I was into TV DXing and
Another idea maybe to run this FM simplex contest concurrent with the spring and fall sprints. They might stumble across some sprint participants who are also looking for QSOs. You could even submit
How do these 2 rigs compare performancewise on VHF/UHF and some light HF operating? 73s John W5TD ____________________________________________________________________________________ It's here! Your
Isn't this a violation of Part 97 rules unless you have a licensed ham in the car to serve as the control operator, or some way to remotely control the transmitter and turn it off, if necessary. 73s
And I think the continued focus on APRS and FM by many local clubs as "real ham radio" eventually leads to many leaving the hobby. The only thing they get elmered in is FM and packet, which are OK, b
Wouldn't that then put you in the situation of spotting yourself, similar to posting yourself on the internet cluster. If you did that, it would move you to the multiop category. http://lists.contest
That is true, a simplex APRS contact should be valid. But if you use APRS in such a way that you know you are going to appear on the internet APRS map, then it starts to run into problems with the ru
I have for sale an Icom 706MKIIG in good condition. This rig does 100 watts on HF and 6m, 50 watts on 2m, and 20 watts on 70cm. Also has the DSP unit installed as standard. Works fine, but I am looki
But if they should allow retransmission of signals thru the APRS network, shouldn't they also allow repeater and satellite QSOs to count for the contest? And maybe even Echolink. Heck, CQ counts Echo
All 3 of these radios came out around the same time for the same price, and seemed to be comparable models. Has anyone had the chance to compare any of them to each other on HF and 6 meters? How do t