Hello everyone....I have just started with the design of the QSL cards for the K4N DXpedition to EL84. It is going to take me at least a week more to get the designs finalized and off to the printer.
Hello all....I have finished the design of the K4N QSL card for EL84 and emailed it to the printer. It will take about a week for him to print off the cards and to mail them out to Joey-W5TFW, our QS
Hello to all our friends in the VHF world from the K5QE contest team.... K5QE will be operating in the ARRL September VHF Contest and would really appreciate any contacts that we can make during the
Hello to all interested in VHF Contesting..... The topic of "assistance" has come up several times on various reflectors in the past year or so. Let's see what we have now: THE CQ WW VHF CONTEST CQ h
Hello to everyone interested in the topic of stacked loops..... I put up 4 stacked 6M loops at 120ft here at the QE contest station. They received every microvolt of noise from 5 counties and 2 paris
Hello to everyone interested in the "Assistance" concept for VHF contesting.... My last post was made at 2AM, so I am not sure how coherent it was. Hopefully, not too bad..... Les-N1LF made an observ
Hello everyone....A first possibility here is to just make a special "exemption" for such a rover post. It must be emphasized that ALL the contact information must still be exchanged via the radio pa
Hello to everyone interested in this topic..... George-K5TR has called me to task concerning some of my English. Specifically about my use of HFer and such terms. He is absolutely right, I was sloppy
Hello again everyone.....I have received several emails that have convinced me that the idea that I had for allowing Announcements for digital MS and digital EME has flaws. In my first letter to my D
Hello David and other VHF contesters.....I consider the CQ WW VHF contest to be the best VHF contest that we have. To start, it is an actual VHF contest, not a microwave contest in disguise. CQ's rul
Hello to all....Saying that I want to call CQ on the Internet and then stand by for calls on the radio is a TOTAL MISREPRESENTATION of the concept.....and of course George-K5TR knows that. He has rak
Hello to everyone interested in FFMA and / or grid chasing on 6M. The K5N Grid Activation Group is planning another of our "Great Winter DXpeditions". This time, our eyes are set on EL08, just south
Hello to everyone interested in FFMA and / or grid chasing on 6M. The K5N Grid Activation Group is planning another of our "Great Winter DXpeditions". This time, we are going to EL08, just south of S
Hello to all VHFers.....the loss of CQ and CQ-VHF is really a bad situation. I have been hearing for several months that they were in bad financial shape. That is really a shame. I have also heard th
Hello all....It was reported that CQ Magazine was going to go to an all digital publication and combine that with their other publications. I read the web page at URL = http://cqnewsroom.blogspot.com
Hello to all those interested in FFMA and 6M grid chasing in general.... FIRST--The K5N Grid Activation Group wishes everyone in the Amateur Radio Community a Great New Year. SECOND--The K5N group wi
Hello to all stations that worked us on 6M or 2M while the K5N group was at EL08. PLEASE send the QSL card requests to Joey-W5TFW and NOT to me. Joey is our QSL Manager and he does a terrific job, so
Hello all....I have an Eimac 3CX800A7 new in a sealed OEM box that is surplus to my needs. These are selling for just under $1000 now, but I would like to get $550 + shipping. If you are interested,
Hello to all our friends in the VHF / WSJT world from the K5QE contest team.... K5QE will be operating in the ARRL January VHF Contest and would really appreciate any contacts that we can make via FS
Hello to everyone interested in EME.... This year is the Centennial Celebration of the ARRL. Part of that celebration is to operate W1AW from locations all around the country. Beginning at 0000Z on J