I suppose since I have a fair understanding of what would be required on my part I thought through as many scenarios of what it would take to prove my claim. Then thought about what that process shou
N2MH has already been working on this for some time. http://n2mh.net/rovesite/rovesite.htm -- Mike Urich, KA5CVH http://ka5cvh.com Buy, watch, cry, share http://bordermovie.com http://drugwarsthemovi
P.S. Here are three I submitted to Mark http://n2mh.net/rovesite/el19.htm http://n2mh.net/rovesite/em21.htm http://n2mh.net/rovesite/em22.htm -- Mike Urich, KA5CVH http://ka5cvh.com Buy, watch, cry,
Marshall's comments are right on target. The only thing I could add is links to a couple of charts. http://harriscountyares.org/training/training_coax_comparison_01.pdf http://harriscountyares.org/tr
You can see that I put in in the training topics section on our ARES web-site. -- Mike Urich, KA5CVH http://ka5cvh.com Buy, watch, cry, share http://bordermovie.com http://drugwarsthemovie.com ______
When the internal PS on my FT-736R failed I bought two of these, from here. http://www.powerwerx.com/product.asp?ProdID=1402&CtgID=1003 -- Mike Urich, KA5CVH http://ka5cvh.com http://bordermovie.com
Might as well EL-29 will be under water starting tonight sometime. The latest predictions are that Galveston Island will be totally under water. http://harriscountyares.org/ -- Mike Urich, KA5CVH htt
I'm not sure which one you tried but I have a Lido http://www.lidomounts.com/page/page/1478816.htm and have the http://www.lidomounts.com/catalog/item/1478816/4979410.htm http://www.ka5cvh.com/photos
Like none of us have ever done that :-) -- Mike Urich, KA5CVH http://ka5cvh.com http://ka5cvh.com/political/democ.htm Would someone explain to me how making the rich man poor will make the poor man r
13 grids (total # in Florida) is nothing to complain about -- Mike Urich, KA5CVH http://ka5cvh.com http://www.ka5cvh.com/o_darn.jpg http://ka5cvh.com/political/democ.htm Would someone explain to me h
I am needing a 2m rig that does VOX for the setup I am working on, and wonder which 2m all modes come with VOX? The FT-736R is VOX equipped. -- Mike Urich, KA5CVH http://ka5cvh.com More Sarah's ... f
On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 21:12, Joe Serocki Yes the FT-100 did have some problems. Most notably the grounding on 12/10/6 meters. I sent mine back in they fixed the grounding issues upgraded the switch
the tall trees of Northern California (using a pneumatic antenna launcher by Alan, WB6ZQZ). This sounds interesting, tell us more or a web-site with photo's ... something. -- Mike Urich, KA5CVH http:
Mike asks What is the URL? I googled the call sign and found a number of links to pages with his call. -- Mike Urich, KA5CVH http://ka5cvh.com More Sarah's ... fewer Arnold's. http://www.howobamagote
This 40 meter NVIS loop http://www.ka5cvh.com/photos/v/CLARC+Field+Day+2008/IMG_4187.jpg.html is owned by AD5CQ, Houston TX We have used it for the CLARC field day the past couple of years and its re
The Radio Shack / Uniden 10 meter mono-band radios are somewhat popular for IF radios. -- Mike Urich, KA5CVH http://ka5cvh.com "The government cannot give to anyone anything that it does not first ta
Its not just the East Coast ... its the Gulf Coast too! -- Mike Urich, KA5CVH http://ka5cvh.com If pro is opposite of con. Then what is the opposite of progress? _____________________________________
Mike asks While a novel approach in that it does get newbies on the air and activates the bands I have to question, how does play into "advancing the art"? As an option, what I would like to see in t
Or we could just do like in T-ball and not keep score at all so as to not hurt any ones self esteem because of their lack of funds or operating or technical abilities. -- Mike Urich, KA5CVH http://ka