< I am still left with "how does any of this become < actionable?" Re-hashing vhf contest rules on this < list is an interesting exercise but not all that < productive (my opinion). I think this thre
than would ND3F else, my logs are that claim to can ask one of I am astonished and greatly saddened that people are not willing to disclose their contest strategy nor desirous of publishing their VHF
The Society of Midwest Contesters has around 35 confirmed operators for this weekend's VHF contest. We have several big guns scheduled as well as depth from all over the SMC circle. All grids in Illi
I am working through all my old VHF contest logs, putting them into LOTW. So far, my oldest confirmed QSL through LOTW is the June, 1990 contest, some 16 years ago. The older contests are only genera
Does anyone know if EM46 is active on 222, 432, or 1.2G ? This is a grid that is around Sikeston, Mo and points south and west from there. I am thinking of sending in a rover to this grid for the Aug
I don't believe we have a final answer yet on whether unmlimited entries qualify for the club competition. There is nothing in the final rover rules that specifically exclude any of the rover classes
I am working on an article for my club?s newsletter on an interesting piece of trivia and operating lore, namely the people who have worked all 48 contiguous states on 2 meters by terrestrial means o
I have have numerous responses to request for info on people who have worked all 48 contiguous states terrestrially (non-eme) on 2 meters. Tnx for the info. Here is the list of the stations that I kn
The final article on working the 48 lower states on 2 meters terrestrial is now available at the SMC web-site at: http://www.w9smc.com/blackhole/news%2004%2008.pdf Thank you to everyone who responded
Grid squares are essentially a form of distance scoring. If the contesting community wants to move to a sub-grid type of scoring system, then I suggest to concentrate on the higher frequencies, where
EL58 was activated in the 1985 June VHF QSO Party with the call W5UK. See, QST, Sept, 1985, at 82. Since that time, occasional contacts have been made to this grid via boat. If anyone is seriously in
The FFMA User's group has been using "Grid DXpedition" as the catch phrase for trips to the rare grids. It is an analogy to the HF DXpeditions. Kevin W9GKA I'd like to coin the term "GXpedition" or "
I want to thank everyone who supplied information back in Feb and March on stations who have worked all lower 48 states on 2 meters terrestrial, or who are close. I used the information gathered from
Tnx for the comments on my Other Impacts working paper. KK6MC did a nice summary of it in his recent post to this reflector. It is part of a series of papers exploring the cyclical nature of VHF cont
I have now updated the VHF Historical Notes file. It is in text format for the first 6 chapters and covers experimental and amateur activities "on the ultra-highs" from the 1800's through 1941, with
For everyone's information, the ARRL did use distance scoring in the August UHF for one year in 1982. I believe it was referred to as RANGE. Look it up in the old QST's! When the VUCC started in 1983
OK then. I suggest that we form a yahoo user's group to work through the issues in an analytical manner, as we can only do so much thru the din of a reflector. It would amount to a working group for
I have just set up a Yahoo user's group to discuss the various issues regarding distance scoring. I cordially invite everyone to join. This will allow us to discuss the issues more in depth off refle
There has been a good response to the development of a working group to study the possibility of using distance scoring in VHF contests. We now have over 30 members in the group. So far, we have gone
To let everyone know of the status of the distance scoring group, a users group was formed in February, 2009 to study distance scoring concepts in VHF contests. Over 40 people have become members of