Dave - With your relatively small antenna load, you could probably get by with just one set of guys. You can also attach the guys directly to the Hazer. Glen Martin indicates this is an acceptable ap
Is the same true of repeaters? I know you're not allowed to solicit contacts via repeater, but what about letting the guys back home know where you are and are OK at least? Here in the southwest a r
I expressed the following opinion last fall on this reflector but received no follow-up comments. At the risk of being repetitive, here it is again: ARRL does not "own" the January, June, and Septemb
All the points Tim made about ARRL losing interest in VHF contests seem very valid to me. I still haven't heard a solid reason why CQ can't pick up these contests...I get the sense that perhaps peopl
I can't see how simply stating that practices are "undesireable" accomplishes anything tangible. All these undesireable activities occur in complete adherence to the rules. The California rovers eve
This statement is totally contrary to my experience. I have made hundreds of WSJT meteor scatter QSOs from home and the rover and in not one case would I consider it to have been trivial, easy, or r
I've been saying for a couple of years now that the ARRL does not own the VHF contests. A determined, dedicated organization can run their own contests and a perfect example is the WSJT group on Yaho
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