The 6 Meter Es opening Sunday afternoon between the east coast and midwest in the VHF Sweepstakes was a treat, though I ended up missing most of it. I had gone out to lunch with my wife ~ 2:30 pm(usu
There are more stations on 6M in 2003 vs. 1987, so comparing raw QSO numbers may be misleading. Perhaps total hour Es noted, and map plots would be a more accurate way to compare the two years. re. S
In 1987 I recall 6M was open ALL day Saturday well into the night, then opened early Sunday. It stayed open all day Sunday up to the end of the contest. We had 2 Meter Es from Kansas to Florida Sund
I am planning to operate the June 2003 VHF QSO Party from VP9. In the 1987 June VHF QSO Party a VP9 op put FM72 in many 6 Meter contest logs. Do you know who that was? (answer tomorrow) de NØJ
Here are some clues that may help you identify the "mystery VP9." VP9?? worked WBØDRL EM-18 0202 utc 15 June 1987 in EM-18 and also N6CA in DM-04 (4917 Km)! VP9?? ran 10 watts and a vertical o
So far, no one has guessed the VP9 who was active in the June VHF QSO Party, though KM3T gets partial credit for naming the two resident VP9s who are active on 6M. One is the op in question. Last clu
California to Bermuda via multi-hop Es. About the same distance as Boston to Merry Olde England. Not bad for 10 watts and a vertical. The VP9 who was active in the June 1987 VHF QSO Party was Ed Kell
One rule I would like to see changed is the prohibition on "DX to DX" contacts - at least in North America/Carib. region. This restriction discourages many DX stations from entering the VHF QSO Party
Your wish is my command! Here are some ideas for low cost homebrew antennas: 6 Meters: 144, 222, 432, 902 and 1296 MHz:
Dave: I agree with John on this one. You can make alot of QSOs on 6 Meters with "some wire and cheap coax hung from a tree." See: and
I had originally planned to operate the sprint portable from EM18, but high winds Saturday afternoon forced a change of venue. I stayed home and operated the Sprint in between helping the XYL with ga
led me to getting on..." I worked KG4RII for EL86 at 0042 utc. He was my only EL86 in the Sprint. If "PropNET^31" was responsible for his activity, that is fine. However, all I needed to tell the ban
Ed, VP9GE was spotted on 6M last evening into Florida, Georgia and all the way via double hop Es to Austin, TX: May18 00:40 VP9GE FM72 50.123 into EM10 de KD5DSQ Distance between FM72OH & EM10BE is 3
6 M wss open from 0330 utc May 30 all nignt. Even worked YV1DIG fk60 around 1 am local! Still going with WB9MVQ/Ø dn87 just going in the log. Heard many many double hop Es between east and wes
I operated this contest from home... to cold and windy for a portable this time. My home station is a IC-706MII and dipole antenna in the attic. Despite my modest station I completed about a dozen ba
I'm not sure why this is "the most difficult of these to accomplish?" The results achieved, especially for a modest station, are far greater using CW than SSB. This morning I worked S57A on 6M from K
N0JK EM18 QRP Portable I have to work some of the contest weekend... but plan to be QRV WX permitting from the "Cattle Pens" EM18 Saturday evening and Sunday evening. Bands 50, 144, 432 and 1296 MHz.
WSJT is a fun mode and has its place. But I agree with Dave KM3T that the established ARRL VHF contests should use the "human ear" for "detection." One of the reasons I operate VHF contests is for th
Correction - the KA0MR station will be operating the Sept. VHF QSO Party from EM18. The KA0MR "tall VHF/UHF tower is 120' -- we had taken down all of the KA0MR antennas in March because of the proble
A sad example of an "Internet Contest QSO" occured during the January VHF QSO Party on the "144 MHz Prop. Logger." A station out in Colorado solicited a 2 Meter QSO with a station in Kansas. They had