Hello all, I'm a definite Wisconsin rover for Monday night's 2m sprint. I'll be starting in Blue Mound State Park (Iowa County) EN53ba. I'll then head down to EN42wx for a bit, followed by EN43wa.
Conversely, if you have an older Garmin GPS, Maidenhead is one of the lat/long setup options. -- -Thomas KE6CBR Mount Horeb, WI EN53da _______________________________________________ VHFcontesting m
As time and family obligations permit, I'll be /R on and off in and around EN 42/53 on 6 and 2. -- -Thomas AC9BJ Mount Horeb, WI EN53da _______________________________________________ VHFcontesting m
Hi Mike and the group, If you're not afraid to get your hands a little dirty with INI files and whatnot, I've found roverlog <https://code.google.com/p/roverlog/> to be quite effective. It's written
Hi Steve, I was referring more to the rather detail-oriented networking setup. If you're running multiple positions, you have to take some time to make sure you have all the fiddly IP addresses and p
I plan to be out roving this evening near EN42/53. -- -Thomas AC9BJ /R Mount Horeb, WI EN53da _______________________________________________ VHFcontesting mailing list VHFcontesting@contesting.com h
I use Roverlog <http://roverlog.2ub.org/>, which connects to my NMEA GPS and calculates my six-character grid for me automatically. -- -Thomas AC9BJ Mount Horeb, WI EN53da ___________________________
I use a Raspberry Pi with an Adafruit GPS <https://www.adafruit.com/product/746> - I run dnsmasq, gpsd, and chrony with PPS from the GPS. This gives me accurate (sub-microsecond) time and accurate-en
https://www.k8b2018en67.com/ K8B will be operating from EN67 on 6M from 2100Z Friday through 15:00 Monday - which includes during the contest. We will switch from general logging to contest logging d
I have a further update. We will have FT8, JT65, et al. We will have bands A, B, and D (in addition to the HF bands). We will have an AzEl rotator, so EME could be an option. Please email me to arran
Hello all, I've had good luck using a large 48v LiFePO4 battery with 48v-to-13.8v DC-DC converters. -- -Thomas AC9BJ Mount Horeb, WI EN53da _______________________________________________ VHFcontesti