The reflector stripped the attachment. Send me a direct email and I'll reply with the attachment. Bob, w3idt ....... . Robert F. Teitel, W3IDT . . . ........ A formal
We should be on 6m and 2m this weekend, ssb/cw/ft* As usual we'll be on ssb whenever a band is open (eskip, tropo); otherwise, SSB - around 50.165 or 144.213 - at the top of even UTC hours, (QRS) CW
Limited Multi? Well... Just two bands (6 cw/ssb/ft8 and 2 ssb/ft8); Mostly two ops, (Kevin, w3xox, and Bob, w3idt; Bob, w3btx for a couple of hours.); 20 or so hours 700+ Qsos 300+ Grids 210+k score.
Contact K1WHS and W8ZN. ....... . Robert F. Teitel, W3IDT . . . ........ The days of running down to Radio Shack or an electronics shop and buying an APS-13 fringe-FM
We - W3SO in WPA - will continue to use the convention... SSB at the top of every EVEN UTC hour. CW at the top of every ODD UTC hour. SSB whenever there is a band opening. If you see FT8 dBs of +anyt
I have a long standing proposal before the ARRL Contest Advisory Committee (CAC) for THREE contacts per station - CW, VOICE(ssb, am, fm), ANY DIGITAL - on 6m and 2m, and TWO contacts per station - AN
Thanks Pete. But... My proposal alone will not accomplish much. Write the CAC if you agree (write even if you disagree). CAC mailing list:
David, K3SK, My proposal specifically prevents Working all 3 back to back on the same frequency. by requiring the CW contact to be in the CW exclusive band segment on 6m and 2m. Mixed CW/SSB contacts