Hi, Rick, I just cast my vote for your excellent write up. By the way, the contest itself was great and I was extremely pleased with the high level of activity found here in the mid-Atlantic area. 73
Hello, All, I will be operating the contest next weekend from W3SZ in FN20ag, entering as SOHP, as usual [though the station is really SOLP for all PRACTICAL purposes]. My QTH is just south of Readin
Hello, All! W3SZ will operational for the entire contest from FN20ag as either SOLP or SOHP; haven't decided yet but am leaning towards SOLP ;) All bands 50 MHz thru 24 GHz should be available. I can
HI Steve and all, If you haven't completed scoring the most recent 10 GHz and Up yet, there are some aids that may make the task easier. First, if you are running N1MM, you can download the experimen
HI Walt, Rex VK7MO has used Q65-15C on 144 MHz with good result for Au contacts. He said that he used Tx and Rx audio freq set to 700 to ensure that the Q65 tones remained within the passband of the
Chris, The rover experts will have good info for you, but some of the PackRat rovers were kind enough to supply me with some of their "good" rover sites, and if you click the "Sites" button in the up