Good day all, Name is Larry, N1MIW. I am trying to modify an AM-6154 to 222MHz and have run out of resources. The power supply has been modified and to the best of my knowledge is working fine. The p
Good evening, After not making any contacts on this band during the contest, I'd like to try to make another contact with someone this weekend to make sure everything is OK. If you're not doing anyth
Repost because I haven't seen this come across the reflector yet (been a couple of hours... I was wondering if someone was available this weekend, local to FN41fp, to try a contact on 1.2g. I didn't
Today is Microwave Activity Day. I will be monitoring 144.260 for contacts on 1296. I have a 45ele ly at 33' and 150W... Larry N1MIW _______________________________________________ VHFcontesting mail
I wanted to announce that I'll be on 1296 today, 5/2/2015, after 11AM if anyone is still around. A prior engagement is keeping me from the beginning of the sprint. Hope to make at least one contact!
Hello all, I'm trying to resurrect this amplifier I found today at a local antique store. It appears to be for the 222MHz band, and uses a 4CX250 tube. It is currently missing several tubes in the Po
Hi Herb, is it possible to ship these to RI if you dont have a local sale? Im looking to experiment with some portable work and these might work for me. Larry N1MIW Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From
I would also like to add my opinion to the topic. This weekend's contest was the first in a while (work, family, etc) that I was able to participate in & give out some points. However, I still had to
I have refused to let go of my FT-736 for good reason - no hidden menus, ease of use, and I don't get that initial "blip" of full output into my AM-6155 amp like some modern rigs do. Does the radio t
Hi Dave, N1MIW Larry here. Im Sitting in the same fog bank as you down here in RI. Sounds like the generator issue is finally resolved! Hope to work you, WZ1V and others tonight. Only running 100w an