This is NOT !! correct. We found a few times in a Multit single enviroment that writelog sends out (example 599-005 on radio a, and 599-006 on radio b) but logs both contacts with the same number. S
Hi all, just early enough I tested a bit the WAE Module for the WAE-RTTY Contest next week. Found the following bug: When you send a station 10 QTCs (wich is the maximum number of send ore received)
Hi all, here the claimed score from HO1A in the CQ-WW. Congrats to HC8N and P3A for their excellent job. QSO: 2808 Points: 7440 Zone: 121 QTH: 226 DXCC: 335 claimed score 5.074.080 Points. More detai
Hello all, during CQ-WW-RTTY on HO1A we found 2 times a Writelog crash when loading a journal file. Writelog crashes alltimes with following error: WRITEL32 verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ung&uu
The same observe as we where in HO1A, and we was using a 700Mhz pentium with 256 Mb ram. Only solution was to swiched of the PTC and restart. So i found this very often during the contest, at least 1
Just a short not on filtering spots, with the combination of DX-Telnet you really have a very effectiv filter. DX-Telnet allow you to setup filtering band segments (mostly a SSB Station dont transmit
Hello, may be some one can help. I installed writelog 1.18 on a computer with a soundcard, all times, when i loke to open the RTTY Window, its is crashed by a windows error. RTTYRITE9 verursachte ein
Yust a short comment, be sure that not you using the Pin13 PTT line from the ACC connector. This only support the front mic..there is a special digital mode PTT on the ACC, wich is the choise for us
Where is a need for PTT line when you using a CW-Interface? Modern radios using full qsk, ore if not use the radio vox for TR/RX, this works fine. 73 Wil "Roger Marrotte @ Mediaone" schrieb: -- WWW:
this is often in this software, whe aske the programm autor about this behavor and he says, there is no way to fix it..if you push renumber button, you have unique numbers running, but they could be
We remarked this earlyer here in the Reflector, the same on Multi operation. But NO answer ore anything from the programm autor. This is simply a bug. You must have reserve a given NR, and you can no
Simply press space bar, and you come in the excange field. 73 Wil Bill Heinzinger schrieb: -- WWW: Submissions: Administrative requests: writelog-REQU
Hello, just testing another "macro" programm, called Macro Magic. This one is very easy to set up with writelog. You can even record keystrokes ore mouse events and store them as a macro for a hotkey
Dates Operators: Wil DJ7AA, Manfred DK1BT, Tina DL6MYL Expedition Call: HO1A Homepage: E-Mail: HO1A@GMX.DE Our objectives The principal purpose of our expedition is the parti
Hello all, get a help mail from Gunter HP1XVH, he have trouble to get a AudioOutput signal from the ACC2 jacket in to his PTC. Anyone have the same trouble?? ore may be his TS870 out of order? Any he
After testing WRITELOG in the EA RTTY contest (using CQWW as Contest), I found a (may be ) bug. All asiatic russian stations were given zone 17, what is of course mostly wrong. I was using the latest
Hello, sri for this input. I have a problem. I like to key my FT1000D in FSK from writelog. I dont find the way to setup this. I using a PTC-IIe for receiving on COM3, so how can I get a seperate FSK
Hello, is this a bug? I starting the contest at 0100 UTC, so that means a 1 hour offtime at the beginn. Also ending one hour before 2400 UTC, so also 1 hour offtime at the end. But this time frames a
Kurszewski Chad-WCK005 schrieb: I found this also vy often over the last 2 contests with writelog. When you type a call by hand in the callwindow, sometimes writelog overwrite this with some highligh
"W. Wright, W5XD" schrieb: Does it mean, you have to buy another copy of the programm, when you go on a expedition trip? I know WF1B send special register numbers for this. So it can be a problem whe