with my Norton Systemworks, which I have set to monitor each install, entries get left in the registry. I usually just get rid of them by using "regedit".(Windows\System) Norton 2001 had a program wh
Well, a little better than a guess, but I think you nailed the problem as above. Some screen savers simply do not scan the keyboard or mouse for an interrupt ( back to business ) after a certain peri
-- OK, don't know if this will work on XP, but 98SE sometimes does the same thing. The trick I've use is to tell 98 it has comm ports 3 and 4....under the add new hardware feature. Of course, if you
OK, try this. After you get WL and Mitty going, do a Ctrl-Alt-Del ( or whatever shows your current programs running. Now, get rid of those which do not need to be there. Obviously, your anti-virus is
Hope we don't lose Andy as a WL user. Although it drives me nuts also at times. One thing I have done, is when I setup for a contest, and everything is working OK, I make a copy of every #@#^()%# .in
Well, buddy of mine got the bugbear, but finally got it off for him. Trouble is, he lost his anti-virus software in the process. I think these problems have gone on long enough. To be blunt, if you d
Well, it is not exactly high tech, but my solution for this is to make a note of the qso number and correct call sign, get on with the program with the error still in place, and later just edit the
Good advice, but since 98 is a different OS, it should have shown dialog during installation that it had detected the comm and lpt ports. You might want to check your system BIOS, and see if there is
I would take a look at the DTR voltage after loading the program and see what it's voltage is. Win98 sets DTR HIGH after initialization, which would explain why your rig keys. Also, I have found a 1K
Well, good news and bad news. There is a freeware program which will prevent the timeouts, or if you get timed out, will immediately reconnect. It was written by some guy out on one of our Pacific is
I followed the suggestion of one of the guys on ( I think ) this reflector and built mind into a small prescription bottle. Works great. Hardest thing was getting the soldering iron into the pill bot
Good timely advice. Another place where you can still get them is http://www.jdr.com I have a 5 year or so ISA card with 4 serial ports on it, 2 parallel ports, a HD and floppy controller in a drawer
And what is so wrong about that? I've never purchased one of those "plug and play" machines, and never will. Most dealers will mount the mb for you, and if you can't figure out how to install a seria