This is an excellent point to bring up and a good time to highlight Cabrillo's QSO mode specifier supports just four possibilities in v.3.0: CW, PH, FM, RY as described here...
Hello all, I am preparing for the Virginia QSO Party and found Writelog does have support for this event. Thanks! I noticed the QSO input parameters include the QTH, Serial Numbers, Call and RST. The
All, So my 2005 vintage Dell Home PC just went south. Hard drive is gone. Backups are there and I could simply rebuild this PC with a new hard drive. However, this may be an opportunity to step up a
Hello, Is there a way to get the Virginia QSO Party WL contest module to ensure the Cabillo output does not contain the extraneous RST info? It is the only contest logger with this extra data forcing
Hello, The City of Bedford, VA voted to downgrade to town status in July 2013 thereby taking it off the list of multipliers in the Virginia QSO Party. BEX is no longer.