Barry, not a dumb question! Very necessary for those with only one serial port. WL Help file section on CW Interfacing explains: "WriteLog allows you to use the same COMM port for both CW and for ri
Anyone using this combination would likely be glad to see that Jorgen has now fixed the unwanted AFC problem in this latest version. As always, it's in the 3rd Party Downloads section of Downloads at
Yes, just push the frequency button on the second window and select the same serial port for logging / duping as for the first. That gives you the same radio for both windows and works just fine. 73,
David, I do know what you're saying. And when I first tried it out I thought it meant that one radio in two entry windows didn't work. But even in S&P both windows _ will_ actually be logging the exa
Ian, Here are some notes I posted when others were having similar install problems a few weeks ago. This all assumes you have MMTTY V 1.61b, plug-in V13 from SM6CRW at the WL website 3rd party downlo
Mike - Here's one way that works well for me. With the message window selected on screen, press Alt+PrintScreen. This copies it as a graphic to the invisible clipboard in memory. Then open Word for W
Re the processor speed issue: I had same difficulty with Alt-K as John with his super-Dell, but my machine is only a 400 mHx AMD K6 -- not fast by any standard, though a lot speedier than my old P-20
As promised earlier I was able to test both on AFSK and FSK with the 850 and 570. While the work-around is fine with FSK, I've not been able to get it to work with AFSK on either rig. Same cabling a
Ted, the install routine puts WriteLog.INI in your Windows folder. Look there for it , then review the section on it in the Help files, and edit manually as needed with Notepad or other text editor.
Joe, this is the basic error right here -- at this line in your post:: "File c:\ham\writelog\\ " Note that the double backslash is what the plug-in install absolutely will not swallow. Open and edit
Does anyone know if there's any way to add to the handful of useful CW prosigns already present? I use all but one of them (AA), but wish there were a way to send a BK smoothly instead of as two sepa
Tom you can go to Don's page for my comments re RTTY on the 570DG. While there are some gaps and typos in the text I wish coud be fixed, the essence
Frank, Not sure about the W1WEF I/O , but LPT CW with the simple one transistor I/O shown in the Help file, using "Setup Ports" is a simple way that works for me, with no need to edit the INI file ma
Frank -- Have you read the CW Interfacing and Setup CW PTT sections of the Help file? This might give you what you're looking for better than my answer did. But let's see if this will help -- configu
Great to see this, and thanks for giving us the update, Ron. Having read Scott's and Don's posts on this combo in Beta test, I've been eager for more info as an avid user of both programs. I do reali
Thanks to Jorgen, Don and Scot for pointing the rest of us to the missing piece -- the SM6CRW MMTTYPluginforWritelog.Exe in Third Party Downloads at the WriteLog site. Install went flawlessly, and ev
The MMTTY Control Window can be set to show only the FFT specturm/waterfall and Scope displays by going in the RttyRite window menu to TU Type, then to TNC Settings and unchecking both boxes. It's a
Yes, as John's post with quotes described. When running AFSK Alt-K comes up but nothing is sent from it. Fx keys work OK from the entry window and RttyRite window. After shifting over to try it on F
I've run my solid-state keyer and WL LPT keying line in parallel to key Kenwoods (850 and 570) for many months now with good success. Have run SO2R this way using rig control Comm ports for PTT. Just
Jim -- You get WL to recognize these ports so you can use them with the special CommSlot entries you make by editing WriteLog.INI. See Help file for more. Here's an example from mine (I have two extr