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Total 34 documents matching your query.

1. [WriteLog] PK900 (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2006 12:38:48 -0400
I have been reading about Writelog and I think I read that you need to INSTALL modules (MMTTY) to work RTTY is this true?? And will the PK900 function in CW and RTTY contest or is there alot of setup
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00001.html (6,662 bytes)

2. Re: [WriteLog] PK900 (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2006 14:12:56 -0400
NO PROBLEM ! The FT-2000 command set is at the YEASU site as a seperate FREE PDF manual. It also comes with the radio. Thanks very much for your reply. So I read wrong... writelog will do rtty, cw wi
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00004.html (10,069 bytes)

3. Re: [WriteLog] PK900 (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 09:24:32 -0400
First I have now obtained a contest program that does not included as a selection my radio FT-2000 or TNC PK900 What have I done? LOL..... I love challenges :-) I just want ot make it work with the P
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00013.html (8,579 bytes)

4. Re: [WriteLog] PK900 andd FT-2000 (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 13:09:00 -0400
I have the PK900 sending and recing as a PK232 all looks good. Does anyone have a way to converse in a rtty window? I really hope someone can get a FT-2000 RIG file in the next couple of months. The
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00015.html (7,608 bytes)

5. [WriteLog] PK900 again... (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 19:38:51 -0400
Well what happended??????????????????? I went and started the program again and the error is RTTY window when clicking PK232 says......... INIT HOST MODE pls wait..... Then PK232 init failed try agai
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00022.html (7,249 bytes)

6. [WriteLog] FT-2000 and FT 9000 (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 19:41:39 -0400
This will not work.. actually the FT-2000 has a more robust command set. The FT 9000 guys WISH the FT9000 command set was this good... The FT-2000 all new command set is really superior to any other
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00023.html (6,755 bytes)

7. Re: [WriteLog] PK900 again... (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 20:23:00 -0400
Where are the INIT strings for the PK232 located.. I want to modifiy them... OK I got it going again..... I got the PK900 command set book out... I only set the options that would allow the PK900 to
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00026.html (8,040 bytes)

8. [WriteLog] NO PK-232 interfacing in writelog.ini (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 12:48:37 -0400
Hi, Joe, I have a PK-900 There is no such entry in my writelog.ini file of COM1:=9600,n,8,1,x What I see is this: [Rttyrite2] Port=1 WHAT PORT IS THIS COM 1?? Speed=0 WHAT SPEED IS THIS 45baud Type=2
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00028.html (11,766 bytes)

9. [WriteLog] PK-900 not wrking again.. (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 12:55:59 -0400
OK I opened the contest file from yesterday and the PK-900 will not init now................... three times I opened and closed the same file yesterday no probelm POWER up the computer and pk-900 and
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00029.html (6,641 bytes)

10. [WriteLog] PK900 (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 13:23:20 -0400
OK I found the problem.. When it was working yesterday I took the writelog.ini file and copied and renamed it writelogrtty.txt I compared the txt file to the ini file today and the rittyriteINI file
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00030.html (7,385 bytes)

11. [WriteLog] RIG INI FILE (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 15:22:38 -0400
I do not see a [RIG] in the ini file. No com port selections.. WHY??? -- de KR4DA Bob Middleburg, FL HK0/KR4DA J79DA FG/KR4DA _______________________________________________ WriteLog mailing list Wri
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00031.html (7,172 bytes)

12. Re: [WriteLog] RIG INI FILE (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 15:50:26 -0400
Mine is 10.61E. This is a very good question Jim. About the only thing I can work with is a INI file. I hope that this is a INI probelm and they will let us know. AS Joe said it's (COM settings)in hi
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00033.html (8,691 bytes)

13. Re: [WriteLog] RIG INI FILE (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 15:50:46 -0400
Mine is 10.61E. This is a very good question Jim. About the only thing I can work with is a INI file. I hope that this is a INI probelm and they will let us know. AS Joe said it's (COM settings)in hi
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00034.html (8,669 bytes)

14. Re: [WriteLog] RIG INI FILE (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 15:52:26 -0400
OH BTW the HELP section does say it's supposed to be there and the entry form etc.... -- de KR4DA Bob Middleburg, FL HK0/KR4DA J79DA FG/KR4DA _______________________________________________ WriteLog
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00035.html (8,780 bytes)

15. Re: [WriteLog] RIG INI FILE (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 16:11:32 -0400
Nothing here about using the TEXT editor to ENTER THESE MANUALLY I do not want to assume I have to do this. THEY SHOULD already be part of the INI file then EDIT as needed. If I really have to edit t
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00037.html (10,731 bytes)

16. Re: [WriteLog] RIG INI FILE (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 18:16:17 -0400
Thanks Joe I'll try that next. - Bob Vmoa chat list -> http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/vmoachat/ Vmoa tech list home -> http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/vmoatech/ Middleburg Fl (South Jacksonv
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00042.html (9,378 bytes)

17. [WriteLog] [Fwd: Re: Trouble] (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 18:27:48 -0400
- What's that supposed to mean..... I have been getting alot of input from others here.. I am trying to work it out... YOU CAN NOT SELL THE PROGRAM you buy it you own it. Can I at least try to get it
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00043.html (7,954 bytes)

18. [WriteLog] PK900 (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2006 12:43:10 -0400
OK I have it working . I still have several questions but I'll let them go.... Now on to setting it up with a sound card.............. BUT on a LAPTOP for DXpeditions. Thanks to all for your patience
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00051.html (7,288 bytes)

19. [WriteLog] Installing problem on laptop (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2006 14:36:36 -0400
I am trying to install writelog form a copy of my file that was on the desktop WIN XP op sys. I copied wl1061efull-8w282a.exe to the CD. I took that CD to the laptop WIN98 SE and double clicked it..i
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00052.html (7,738 bytes)

20. Re: [WriteLog] Installing problem on laptop (score: 1)
Author: KR4DA <kr4da@bellsouth.net>
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2006 14:47:55 -0400
HI Peter, I get error saying : "The file writelog.MSI must be unzipped with this setup.exe, but is not found. UNzip the writelog.zip file into a temp dir and then run the resulting setup.exe" I have
/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-10/msg00053.html (8,496 bytes)

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