One can do CW/PTT on the radio control port and free the separate CW port for FSK, use a K1EL WinKey (USB) for CW and PTT freeing a serial port for FSK (RTTY), or use AFSK *all* without the need to o
WL being hooked to MMTTY by MMTTY plugin we do not have access to com port in MMTTY to temporary configure it to RX on its com and TX on new com port. That is not correct - one can set the port using
As mentioned I have the RIGBLASTER PRO who does the same thing ( rtty on a port and CW on another ) Your Rigblaster Pro will easily do radio control CW and PTT on one port with FSK on the second seri
The only issue with "2 ports" and Rig Blaster Pro is if one has a newer Kenwood, Yaesu or TenTec that needs RS-232 CAT *and* RTS/CTS handshake. In that case a "two port" solution is not available - n
What transceiver are you using? WriteLog will not "release" the CW/PTT port unless you load a new ini file or use "setup" to disable CW. So unless you put CW/PTT on the same port as radio control, yo
I've read on the K9JY website that Win 8 will not allow the use of both mic and line-in on the same sound card, That's not quite 100% correct ... The key to Windows 8 (and Windows 7 or Vista) sound c
Do be careful if you use PSK31 or one of the JT modes. At one time I imported log into either the general DXCC tracking or DXpedition log - can't remember which - then uploaded it to LotW as as test.
There are two mechanisms at work here: 1) When Windows boots or installs hardware it probes serial port addresses to determine what ports are installed and what COM #s are free. This manifests at typ
What connection are you using between the computer and transceiver? Are you using a *real* CT-17 CI-V interface with a separate power supply or are you using a third party device? If you are using a
Get rid of the two Com6:=19200,n,8,1 lines in the [RIG] section. Use Edit Writelog.ini from the Start menu before you start WriteLog. Then once Writelog has started use Setup | Ports to set the port
OK, I configured the IC-706mkIIg on my test bench to emulate the 756ProIII (used the address 6Eh) and configured WriteLog starting with no [PORTS] or [RIGS] sections in writelog.ini. I have a differe
No, after looking at it and Writelog again with fresh eyes it is because WriteLog uses Icom IC-756Pro3 while the manual edit to writelog.ini says "Icom IC-756PROIII=0x6e". Removing all three lines i
Update history in the WriteLog help file shows version 9.08 also in June 1998. 73, ... Joe, W4TV I am not sure when WriteLog was first introduced to the public, but I "think" I first used WriteLog i
Why are you using compatibility mode? Writelog works just fine in native Window 7, Windows 8 and Widows 8.1 systems. I'd suspect there is a mismatch between the native and virtual window positions in
No problem installed on the desktop/in the Start menu with either Windows 7/64 Pro or Win 8.1/64 on hardware from an old Core2Duo to an i7. However, I am using a traditional mouse and not the touch p
Current version runs fine - in the process of migrating the shack computer to Windows 8.1, moving the old Windows 7 system to a back-up (test absurd things and don't want to crash my main system) rol
A little research shows this PCI card with Windows 7 drivers: When it comes to USB cards there are several inexpensive boxes that work
Direct IO will not work with Windows 7/64. LPT is not supported with Vista/64, Windows 7 or Windows 8. Get an inexpensive USB to serial converter and do CW on the DTR line of the serial port. Your LP
Before running WriteLog did you run "Sound board mixer control" to set the audio outputs and inputs for RTTYrite, and the WriteLog DVK? XMMT.ocx and 2-Tone override audio handling for RTTY only. 73,
See the example configuration for USB Interface III and WriteLog in Router (Help | Download Documents) or online in the USB III area at 73, ... Joe, W4TV With no pr