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Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. [WriteLog] wireless keyboard (score: 1)
Author: Mike Fulcher <>
Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2005 03:02:03 +0000
I put a new Logitech wireless keyboard (model Y-RQ52) in my shack. I am having a problem with the F-keys...they don't do anything when pressed. I've tested the keyboard with another contest software
/archives//html/WriteLog/2005-08/msg00045.html (6,614 bytes)

2. [WriteLog] DVK (score: 1)
Author: Mike Fulcher <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 22:26:08 +0000
I am having trouble getting a .wav file to play using the MK2R+ and Writelog. I have recorded a few messages on the DVK tab on the Microham unit and have told WL to look in the microham/voicemsg/defa
/archives//html/WriteLog/2007-01/msg00074.html (6,603 bytes)

3. Re: [WriteLog] WriteLog update Ver-10.67B now ready.. (score: 1)
Author: Mike Fulcher <>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 18:11:52 +0000
I am experiencing the same download problem. I've tried both published links on the reflector and the link on the website all with the same hangs on 9.32mb. Mike KC7V -- Mike Fulcher VooD
/archives//html/WriteLog/2008-05/msg00049.html (11,371 bytes)

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