Interesting that the old address works but not the new one. I changed our club site just this weekend to show because that was on the CQ site on Sunday. See their rules PDF file. I have
Sent the log to and received a confirmation almost instantly. Don VE3XD _______________________________________________ WriteLog mailing list http://lists.contes
I have used a 2n2222 and one-K resistors (ie. CT circuit) on a 990 without problem. Used the same interface on the Mark V too before switching to a Rigblaster Plus. The same interface works well on m
Jim, You should be able to select both. Even though these are option buttons they act like check boxes. That is, they are not mutually exclusive. You don't really need an extra column but it might be
Bob, You must be using an older version of Writelog. The radio selection check boxes were eliminated several releases back and now only the buttons are used for both CW and rig selection. Otherwise i
Try turning OFF the rig and then boot your computer and launch Writelog. Make sure your port settings are okay and ONLY then turn on the rig. GL, Don VE3XD ___________________________________________
Same problem here. Don VE3XD _______________________________________________ WriteLog mailing list WriteLog on the web: h from Google. Don VE3XD _______________________________________________ WriteLog mailing list
The original link at is invalid but the root is still okay which I indicated in my previous mail. The new MMTTY website is at Don VE3XD ________________________
Bob, You probably need to drop the SSB from the CATEGORY line. This happens a lot because this contest only uses SSB (same problem in the CW version). Why these robots don't just ignore the mode is b
Interesting note Jim. Mine was rejected but I mentioned it to Bruce the day after the contest. Could it be that the robot has now been updated. Note that in Bob's mail he also had an error showing on
Dirk, I think if you just press the Tab key at the end of a line it will move the cursor to the next line. Don VE3XD Dear During the last wae ssb I was typing in directly the given qtc. After every q
Dennis, When I use timed CQ I just hit the Esc key when a call comes in. This seems more reliable and I don't find it takes any more time. ie. Left hand to Esc and right on the mouse. 73, Don VE3XD T
Phil, Before I networked Writelog, which now serves primarily as my backup system, I always kept a Windows Explorer window opened to the folder containing the log files. Every so often I would then s
Clive, You can fix both problems quite easily. 1. For the county codes open the mults window- Contest, Show Multipliers... and you will see all the acceptable abbreviations. I too found that stations
Randy, Thanks for your fine work on these files. Much appreciated. 73, Don VE3XD I have created a new version of the Super Check Partial database files and placed them on the web at http://www.k5zd.c
Jim, I've tried counties.exe with both my CAQP and PAQP log from Writelog and everything worked well. Imported into DX4WIN and all the county and state info is there. Sure beats some of the clumsy ma
I really like Writelog and haven't used anything else that could replace it for the types of operations that I do. Like others in this thread I find setup to be a hassle especially when moving to a d
Yes, I too have wliniedit and it is a neat little program but the point is you shouldn't need another program to change settings in Writelog. It should be done within the program. And if a necessary
Go to GL, Don VE3XD _______________________________________________ WriteLog mailing list