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References: [ +from:msa@naples.net: 3 ]

Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. [Yaesu] FT767 (score: 1)
Author: msa@naples.net (msa)
Date: Thu, 8 May 97 05:24:41 -0400
Wayne, I don't know if I responded or not...I have seen the same question in the past month or so on several reflectors. However, let me add my two cents: I like my 767GX very muc, but your mileage w
/archives//html/Yaesu/1997-05/msg00022.html (8,434 bytes)

2. [Yaesu] Yaesu Service (score: 1)
Author: msa@naples.net (msa)
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 09:29:43 -0400 (EDT)
Why not call them and ask? I have found them to be very friendly and knowledgable (for the most part). Need the number? email me (sri, I am at home, # is in the shack). de Mike N4XSE -- FAQ on WWW:
/archives//html/Yaesu/1997-04/msg00028.html (6,697 bytes)

3. [Yaesu] FT767GX Info Requested (score: 1)
Author: msa@naples.net (msa)
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 97 19:12:23 -0400
Wayne: I am blind copying this to a couple of guys that also own the radio and if they have anything to add, perhaps they will. I bought a 767 a few years ago on the advice of a fellow ham here in Na
/archives//html/Yaesu/1997-04/msg00074.html (9,211 bytes)

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