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References: [ 104 ]

Total 104 documents matching your query.

101. [AMPS] Command Technologies - still alive ? (score: 1)
Author: ("Dick Green".)
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997 11:48:52 -0500
Can somebody fill me in on the details of this trauma? I knew that ETO spun off the Alpah Division (now Alpha Power), but what problems were they having? 73, Dick, WC1M -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.con
/archives//html/Amps/1997-02/msg00034.html (7,030 bytes)

102. [AMPS] Alpha 87A Problem Resolved (score: 1)
Author: ("Dick Green".)
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 01:01:45 -0500
I now have a factory patch that resolves the plate choke relay problem discussed in my previous post on the subject. Interested 87A owners should contact me by private e-mail: B
/archives//html/Amps/1997-02/msg00058.html (7,256 bytes)

103. RE: [Amps] Alpha 87A troubles with fault 17 (score: 1)
Author: "Dick Green" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 00:35:05 -0500
I used to have this problem when I drove my 87A with a TS950SDX. It's caused by a power spike from the 950. W8JI told me that he had measured leading edge spikes from the 950 as high as 250W. The rea
/archives//html/Amps/2004-01/msg00234.html (11,932 bytes)

104. RE: [Amps] Alpha 87A troubles with fault 17 (score: 1)
Author: "Dick Green" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 15:03:27 -0500
Andy, I don't know if all Kenwood rigs have the problem. It's been quite a few years since I had the 940 and I can't recall if I had fault 17 problems with it. If I did, they were not as numerous as
/archives//html/Amps/2004-01/msg00235.html (17,227 bytes)

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