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References: [ 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [VHFcontesting] 6m WSPR Beacon (score: 1)
Author: K1WY-Bill <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 09:13:10 -0400
I have a six meter WSPR Beacon running from FN31ps. 200 milliwatts (.200 watts) on 50.293000 Mhz and running WSPR -2 K1JT program will copy it. 73 Bill K1WY Sent from Mail for Windows 10 ____________
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2021-06/msg00117.html (6,879 bytes)

2. [VHFcontesting] WSPR (score: 1)
Author: K1WY-Bill <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 09:29:18 -0400
If it is of intest to HF/VHF stations I have beacons running on 80 6 meters at 200 milliwatts. K1JT program will copy WSPR beacons FN31ps  West Hartford, CT 73  Bill K1WY Sent from Mail for Windows 1
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2021-06/msg00118.html (6,344 bytes)

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