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References: [ 3 ]

Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. Re: [Antennaware] Cubical Quad antenna model for VOACAP (score: 1)
Author: Joe Giacobello <>
Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 15:41:28 -0400
Guy, I have recently modeled a two element 30/40M quad on a 20' boom (0.205 and 0.142 lambda respectively) and got free space gains of 7.4-7.5 dBi. My design criteria were maximum gain and a reasonab
/archives//html/Antennaware/2006-05/msg00014.html (9,538 bytes)

2. Re: [Antennaware] Modeling (score: 1)
Author: Joe Giacobello <>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 13:59:53 -0500
I understand the reservations regarding modeling ground mounted verticals. However, I've had very satisfying results in modeling quads. In one case I modeled and built a six band quad with four eleme
/archives//html/Antennaware/2010-03/msg00024.html (10,801 bytes)

3. Re: [Antennaware] Quagi 20-10 (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Giacobello, K2XX" <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 18:42:36 -0400
Greg, I've comparatively modeled quads and equivalent quagis, but never quagis using trapped triband Yagi directors. I'm sure some one must have done it, but they're likely to be on the Quads forum:
/archives//html/Antennaware/2014-07/msg00011.html (8,977 bytes)

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