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References: [ 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [RFI] Portable DFing at HF (score: 1)
Author: Kelly Johnson <>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 13:57:17 -0700
I am trying to locate a new source of RFI in my neighborhood. I can get a decent direction in it from my yagi, but would like to DF it from another direction to pinpoint the source. I don't know if I
/archives//html/RFI/2016-08/msg00073.html (6,530 bytes)

2. Re: [RFI] Portable DFing at HF (score: 1)
Author: Kelly Johnson <>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2016 12:42:07 -0700
I've located the source of HF interference in the past by getting a beam heading with my 20m yagi, then walking that direction with an FT-817 tuned to 50MHz. For powerline noise, I then pull out a po
/archives//html/RFI/2016-08/msg00091.html (12,472 bytes)

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