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Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. [TowerTalk] Recabling tubular tower (score: 1)
Author: "Trottman Compound" <>
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 23:17:45 -0600
I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for in the archives so thought I would ask the question: How do you recable/disassemble a 40' tubular tower? I have an old Tristao 2 section 40 footer and I
/archives//html/Towertalk/2007-10/msg00005.html (7,384 bytes)

2. [TowerTalk] Preforms and thimbles (score: 1)
Author: "Trottman Compound" <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:35:36 -0600
I couldn't find anything conclusive in the archives so here goes. What size thimbles should be used with preforms and 3/16" EHS? I've seen recommendations from 5/16" to as big as 7/16". Thanks for yo
/archives//html/Towertalk/2009-07/msg00166.html (7,047 bytes)

3. [TowerTalk] (score: 1)
Author: "Matt & Carrie Trott" <>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 12:52:25 -0600
Thought some of you might find this interesting if you haven't previously seen it. It was on the local TV station web page this morning.
/archives//html/Towertalk/2011-04/msg00293.html (7,730 bytes)

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