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References: [ +subject:/^(?:^\s*(re|sv|fwd|fw)[\[\]\d]*[:>-]+\s*)*\[Trlog\]\s+Sprint\s+mode\s+question\s*$/: 4 ]

Total 4 documents matching your query.

1. [Trlog] Sprint mode question (score: 1)
Author: Ken Beals <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 20:29:09 -0700
I've been playing with TR's Sprint mode in the Thursday night NCCC NS sprint practice. If you haven't participated, it uses basically the Internet Sprint rules (#, previous name, QTH). I'm thinking I
/archives//html/TRLog/2004-07/msg00043.html (7,497 bytes)

2. Re: [Trlog] Sprint mode question (score: 1)
Author: Tree <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 23:06:18 -0500
Well, it is supposed to do this. The thinking is that when you are in the middle of a QSO, the function keys pretty much do what you would want in the S&P mode. No. Function keys should only be used
/archives//html/TRLog/2004-07/msg00044.html (9,355 bytes)

3. Re: [Trlog] Sprint mode question (score: 1)
Author: Tree <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 23:08:17 -0500
If you have any concern about needed to send a repeat, use the F2 key to send the exchange instead of ENTER. This will allow you to send fills. YOu can also do this with CQ function keys - which are
/archives//html/TRLog/2004-07/msg00045.html (7,424 bytes)

4. Re: [Trlog] Sprint mode question (score: 1)
Author: Ken Beals <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 21:20:35 -0700
OK, I guess it's just a matter of getting used to it. I've been so used to it being in the mode until the end of the qso, it spooked me. Face it, it's smarter than I am (or rather, you are......). tn
/archives//html/TRLog/2004-07/msg00046.html (7,912 bytes)

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