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References: [ +subject:/^(?:^\s*(re|sv|fwd|fw)[\[\]\d]*[:>-]+\s*)*Topband\:\s+Stew\s+Perry\s+160\s+meter\s+contest\s*$/: 3 ]

Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. Topband: Stew Perry 160 meter contest (score: 1)
Author: Mike Waters <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2013 13:05:00 -0500
Hello Bruce, We love your contest calendar site, but I wanted to mention that a significant 160 meter contest is missing there. It's the summer *Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge*, June 15 and 16
/archives//html/Topband/2013-06/msg00006.html (7,665 bytes)

2. Re: Topband: Stew Perry 160 meter contest (score: 1)
Author: Mike Waters <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2013 13:18:40 -0500
And so far, no one here has mentioned the Summer Stew, either. And it's approaching fast! :-) The XYL (KD0LAJ) and I are going to spend part of our 37th wedding anniversary weekend having fun there (
/archives//html/Topband/2013-06/msg00007.html (6,896 bytes)

3. Re: Topband: Stew Perry 160 meter contest (score: 1)
Author: "Goldtr8 \(KD8NNU\)" <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2013 19:35:41 -0400
Please lets send reminders for this contest next weekend. If I remember it I will play with a loading coil to get my 1/4 wave 80m vertical resonant on the top band. ~73 Don KD8NNU -.- -.. --.. -. -.
/archives//html/Topband/2013-06/msg00028.html (8,142 bytes)

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