North America QSO Party
Call: WA7BNM
Mode: SSB
Location: S.Calif
Op Time: 9:51
QSOs Mults
160 2 1
75 70 30
40 124 45
20 440 57
15 18 12
10 2 1
656 146 = 95,776
One Radio
80m Rotatable Dipole @ 100 ft
3-el 40m yagi @ 90 ft
Tribander @ 105 ft pointed 60 deg
Tribander @ 72 ft pointed North
First five or ten minutes of the contest on 20m was slow, then found a
run frequency and ended up with 100+ first hour. When the rate
slowed, I went to 15m, but only heard a few stations. Decided that
15m was about to open so I shouldn't waste time at a slow rate and
took first off time for 30 minutes. Came back and 15m was no different.
Only well-equipped stations could be heard.
At the half way point I thought I was operating in a single band
contest -- over 90% of the Qs were on 20m. Kept going to 15m and 10m
with no results. In retrospect, I probably should have just stayed on
20m. A second radio would have helped maintain a 20m run, while checking
15 and 10.
40m was OK in the evening. Got good signal reports, but noise level was
S9 and spent a lot of time trying to dig the exchange out of the noise.
Had more incomplete QSOs than I like.
Worst 15m QSO/mult totals of any contest I've been in. If there was
an opening on 10m, I missed it. Only worked teammates on 10m. The rest
of the country seemed to have a 10m opening and decent rates on 15m.
73 de Bruce, WA7BNM (